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How good erotic porn enhances our personal pleasure

According to the “Summer of Love” survey conducted by sex toy company, Lovehoney, and the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, the sexual interests of Americans have gotten steamier amid the pandemic. The majority (51%) of the survey’s respondents indicate that couples have gotten more experimental in the bedroom. Though the study didn’t go into specifics on how the respondents...

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How to stimulate your lesser known erogenous zones

You may be familiar with that tingle and rush if someone runs their fingers through your hair or nibbles at that spot just behind your ear. Or do your knees go week when someone lightly peppers your inner elbow with their fingertips? How about that spark of electricity cascading in torrents if someone kisses your shoulders. What on earth...

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What orgasms do you enjoy and how to trigger them

Most of us thoroughly enjoy the experience of an orgasm. Besides the pleasurable feel, there are a bunch of other benefits too. A positive boost to your mood, clearer skin and even better bone health are just a few bonus extras. Orgasms can potentially relieve pain, strengthen your pelvic floor and even increase body confidence. The paybacks are huge so...

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My Confession by Jack Hunter

Any weekend away is an opportunity for hotel sex and I’ve noticed that the more enticing the accommodation, the more inclined my wife is to shed her sexual inhibitions. On this occasion it was she who booked us into a newly opened 5-star hotel. It looked fabulous and we were excited at the prospect of staying there. Always elegant,...

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The hirsute of happiness! Body hair and taboos

Has Covid been the main factor in bringing back the body hair? Or have we been going in that direction for a while now? Since Julia Roberts shocked the world and had us all clutching our pearls when she brazenly flashed a puff of underarm hair at a film premiere, it caused an outcry. But was it really a...

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