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Tips on how to give a great handjob

Kissing aside, I think hand jobs are one of the most underrated sex acts. They certainly have been for me, at any rate: an ex-partner once told me that hand jobs are like making a cup of tea because “it’s nice when someone does it for you, but they’ll never do it as well as you can.” Because of...

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Breathe into pleasure – 5 tips to activate your sexual life force

“Breathe like your pleasure depends on it. Because it does.” Wise words from Sexologist and author of Urban Tantra, Barbara Carrellas, when explaining Tantra on the Curious Fox podcast.  But what does it really mean to breathe into pleasure? And how can we harness the breath work to heighten arousal, create deeper connections, and even trigger stronger orgasms?  Using...

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Top 5 reasons why couples seek relationship therapy

Many people find the prospect of any kind of therapy daunting, but relationship therapy can help you learn so much about one another—and yourself. For over 15 years I have had the privilege of guiding couples through transformational therapy that creates deep, meaningful change for them as individuals as well as their partnerships.  But when is the best time to seek expert...

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Foods that boost the libido and your sex drive

There is no denying that the pleasurable sensations many experience when eating something they thoroughly enjoy are somewhat comparable to the satisfaction they feel when engaging in sexual activity. foods that increase sex drive Entirely different physiological mechanisms govern both sensations; however, what occurs in the brain when it comes to the processing of pleasure is somewhat similar. In...

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My Confession by Jim

Over the years, Mrs H and I have enjoyed each other’s company. Mrs H is a lovely, petite woman with a radiant smile and a naughty twinkle in her eyes. Something about us always made me wonder if there was something deeper and more intimate. When we were together, her smile was even more radiant, and there was this...

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How to last longer in bed: tips to extend pleasure for you and your partner

How long should sex last? Most of us instinctively understand that there is no ‘correct’ answer to that question. However, for many of us—people with penises in particular—there’s still a nagging feeling that stamina is high on the list of desirable qualities in a sexual partner. Coming too quickly—often called ‘premature ejaculation’ if you have a dick—can sometimes be...

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Je Joue Vita: Stylish, discreet, powerful

Je Joue, meaning ‘I play’ in French, is a sex-positive, independent, luxury sex toy brand. Because we have featured this beautiful little vibrator in one of our upcoming films, I was kindly sent two Vitas to review.  Appearance The Je Joue Vita comes in an elegant and stylish drawer-style box, so you really feel like you are opening a gift....

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My Confession by Error

It was rush hour, and it was crowded in that car. Always is, and usually I hate it. Squeezed into a corner of the train, clinging desperately to the handrail above me as I’m surrounded by men and women coming home from work or shopping or whatever it is they did that dragged them out into the misery we...

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