Valentine for one! The perfect solo seduction
We’re here to champion a Valentine’s solo seduction extravaganza! After all is there anyone who can love you just the way you can? You know your favourite flowers, you know your favourite scent, film, body lotion. So we say, go all in for YOU this year! Take a leaf, or should we say petal, from our beautiful Sofia’s book....
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Sex toy review – The Amour by Je Joue
For anyone looking to dip their toe into the world of sex toys, a bullet vibrator really is a perfect little starter. Designed primarily for clitoral stimulation, they are also one of the largest collectives of sex toys focused on delivering female pleasure due to the clitoris, believed to house more nerve endings than a penis and whose sole...
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5 ways to introduce tantra-inspired sex into your relationship
If you’ve recently watched our erotic movies, Number One and our female-only, Tantra Number Two, you might be thinking about tantra and giving the slow, sensual world of tantra-inspired sex a whirl. So what is tantra? Tantra is a Sanskrit term which means to weave, or even more lovely—to compose. Thinking about these definitions alone, you can feel a slowing of...
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My Confession by Threewood
Over the weekend, my wife, Sandy, and I play golf together as a couple, usually accompanied by one or two other couples from our neighbourhood. We complete this activity by enjoying a dinner together with the others at a restaurant in the area. A few weeks ago, we booked two tee times for our local course on Saturday afternoon....
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Frolicme favourites of 2023
With over 50 erotic films coming out each year, it’s hard to pick a favourite or even a top ten! So this year I’ve enlisted the help of some of our story writers and the great lady and founder herself, Anna Richards, to give me their favourite Frolicme 2023 erotic movies of the year and why. As the stories’...
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Softcore porn – what is it and why is it good for you?
What exactly is softcore porn? You may have seen or heard (largely from right-leaning tabloids) that porn (even softcore porn) is bad for you. It rots your brain, ruins your relationship, damages your health, hell… it pretty much destroys your life and does anything else bad that you can imagine. Well, it turns out that these things aren’t exactly...
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Sexual wellness advent calendar full of treats
If you are still looking at counting down the days to Christmas, our friends at SheSpot, who curate a beautiful sensual collection of toys and accessories, have created the Come Closer, a sexual wellness advent calendar in partnership with Killing Kittens. This limited edition collection is designed to nurture your curiosity and inspire closer connections, whether that be alone,...
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My Confession by Peter T
For some time now I have been trying to think of different ways to give my wife, Catherine, that little spark that would ignite that fire of desire inside her. I started by signing up to FrolicMe, so that we could watch the sexy films together or alone sometimes and open up new horizons. I particularly enjoyed the hotwife...
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A ride on sex toy just for you
Here at Frolicme, we champion sexual pleasure in all its glory — and that includes sex toys. It’s almost the festive season which is a fabulous time to think about sexy gifts for your lover, or even better, yourself! But did you know one of our team is also an award-winning sex toy inventor? Tabitha, the commissioning editor of our magazine and...
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What is hotwifing? And what’s the appeal?
An introduction to hotwifing from a male perspective It’s almost 1 am when I hear the murmur of goodnights and the sound of the front door finally clicking shut. I wait in the silent darkness, my heart pounding, until I finally hear my wife’s bare feet padding down the hall. The door opens and she giggles a bit, still...
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An introduction to rough sex & how to enjoy it safely
Rough sex still carries a massive stigma for those who enjoy or want to explore it. The feeling of shame that one may presume comes with being transparent about your interest in it, may be enough to turn someone off the idea – no pun intended! Rough sex is not shameful. Whilst, yes, slow, sensual lovemaking has its place,...
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Playing alone: self-bondage and other solo BDSM ideas
When you think of kink and BDSM, you probably think of it as a partnered activity. It’s certainly true that some kinky activities require a partner, or are at least easier with another person involved. However, this probably applies to far fewer activities than you might think, there are plenty of solo BDSM ideas to be enjoyed alone. But what...
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My Confession by Gooey-Pelican
I really wanted to share this experience we just recently had. This new couple—we’ll call them Jones—Megan and Chris just moved into the neighbourhood a few months ago. So after they first moved in, we had them over for dinner to get to know them. We really hit it off with them—we’re around the same age, have similar interests,...
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Safe porn websites
We often talk about ‘ethical porn’ in sex positive discourse, meaning porn in which the performers are paid fairly and treated well. Video, photos, audio porn, or erotica that you can enjoy as a consumer without worrying that you’re supporting toxic practices. But there’s more to an ethical porn experience than just knowing everyone who made it has been...
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Morning sex – benefits & how to initiate it
When you think about the timing of sex, do you automatically picture doing it during the early hours of the day, in the afternoon, or closer to bedtime? Sex, in general, is already great, but there might be something extra special about shagging first thing in the morning before work or school that makes doing the deed even more...
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How to have sensual sex?: 7 tips for the most sensual sex ever
Sight. Sound. Touch. Taste. Smell. As humans, we learn that these are the five senses that we use to experience the world around us; we are all sensual beings. But when it comes to sex, it seems this core human experience is sometimes left by the wayside. In a predominantly sex-negative society, we are taught a very one-dimensional perspective...
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Medieval porn and historical depictions of sex
When people think about the Middle Ages sex, medieval porn isn’t usually the first thing they think of. There’s a lot of good reasons for this but one of the biggest is that the medieval period—which runs from the ‘fall of Rome’ in 476 to the sixteenth century was a really long time ago. The sources that survive to...
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My Confession by Charlie Cummings
It was a wonderfully warm, English summer’s day. The sky was an azure blue, swallows dipped and dived overhead. It had not been a particularly good week and I was looking forward to getting out into nature in some local woods, just a short drive away. I was between relationships and was missing sexual intimacy and I looked forward...
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What is vaginal ph, what’s normal and why is it important?
The vagina is home to a lot of bacteria. Known as vaginal flora, one might call it a thriving bacterial ecosystem! Maintaining the pH balance of the flora is a crucial part of keeping the vagina healthy. A pH scale is used to measure how acidic or alkaline a substance is and runs from 0 to 14. Anything with...
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Whats’s the psychology behind choking during sex
From “choke me, Daddy” memes to horror stories from first Tinder dates—as explored in our Sexual Choking Safety article—it feels like everyone and their Mom is into being choked these days. But, outside of the prevalence of depicted in porn, how do people come to associate with a seemingly violent action? And what is the psychology behind choking during sex? The...
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