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Safe porn websites

We often talk about ‘ethical porn’ in sex positive discourse, meaning porn in which the performers are paid fairly and treated well. Video, photos, audio porn, or erotica that you can enjoy as a consumer without worrying that you’re supporting toxic practices. But there’s more to an ethical porn experience than just knowing everyone who made it has been...

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Navigating mismatched libidos in a long-term relationship

At the beginning of the relationship, sex is often intense and abundant. People engage in sexual activities that might not be their favourite in an effort to please new partners. As a result, it can be really difficult to tell just how compatible you are within the first six months of the relationship. During this honeymoon period, people don’t...

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A guide to sexual choking – and must know safety tips

It feels like everyone, and their grandma is into sexual choking these days. Even though this BDSM kink is anything but entry-level, it feels more accessible to because it does not require fancy tools, bits, or bobs in order to participate. You already have everything on your body you need to engage in this kind of play. Despite this...

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Seven sexy tips for Christmas on a budget

With the cost of living soaring and monies tight, we thought we’d share with you seven sexy tips and ideas for keeping things hot and spicy on a budget at Christmas. 1—Lingerie look up. Instead of buying new undies… why not take a good rummage in your own drawers and wardrobes? We all hoard the odd pair of sexy...

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Polyamory – Is it for me?

Polyamory explained What is polyamory? And is it for me? If you haven’t heard of polyamory you’ve probably been living under a rock. The definitions and descriptions of the many different sexualities, gender orientations, who you’re attracted to and, of course, relationship styles have exploded rather delightfully over the past few years. Both media and literature are full of relatively...

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