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Some of the hottest Valentine’s Day Porn

Welcome to the hottest place to come for the very best ethical Valentine’s Day Porn. It’s the time of year when thoughts turn to Cupid and those arrows of desire. Here at FrolicMe, we like to set those love darts alight, so the passion is already burning ferociously before they even strike that sexy target! Whether you are in...

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What is a soul tie? And is it good for you?

Did you ever feel an uncanny recognition for someone you didn’t know? Or felt like you knew someone already even though you had only just met? Do you feel deeply connected to your lover in ways you can’t explain? Maybe you’re experiencing a Soul Tie. Soul ties are deep spiritual connections between two people, often transcending time and space...

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Sexual attraction explained

At some point in our lives, most of us experience an intense feeling of sexual attraction towards another. We may not understand what it is that actually draws us to that person; all we know is that we want them sexually! Sexual attraction is the surge of desire an individual feels based on several factors. Most people tend to...

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Is watching porn cheating?

Our relationships to porn and masturbation can be very personal and highly emotional. Although many people will enjoy bringing porn into their romantic and sexual relationships, others prefer to keep their viewing, listening, or reading habits private, enjoying adult material only when they are on their own, without sharing those things with a partner. Some people don’t enjoy porn at...

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Sexual therapy – how to reset your sex life

Are you suffering from sexual frustration? How do you find professional support to find and explore your true sexual self? Jonathan Aldfrith explains how professional help has transformed his sex life. After many years of experiencing sexual frustration and feeling unfulfilled, I decided that the best way to make changes to my rather dull sex life was to seek some...

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Breathe into pleasure – 5 tips to activate your sexual life force

“Breathe like your pleasure depends on it. Because it does.” Wise words from Sexologist and author of Urban Tantra, Barbara Carrellas, when explaining Tantra on the Curious Fox podcast.  But what does it really mean to breathe into pleasure? And how can we harness the breath work to heighten arousal, create deeper connections, and even trigger stronger orgasms?  Using...

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Top 5 reasons why couples seek relationship therapy

Many people find the prospect of any kind of therapy daunting, but relationship therapy can help you learn so much about one another—and yourself. For over 15 years I have had the privilege of guiding couples through transformational therapy that creates deep, meaningful change for them as individuals as well as their partnerships.  But when is the best time to seek expert...

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