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Tips on how to give a great handjob

Kissing aside, I think hand jobs are one of the most underrated sex acts. They certainly have been for me, at any rate: an ex-partner once told me that hand jobs are like making a cup of tea because “it’s nice when someone does it for you, but they’ll never do it as well as you can.” Because of...

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How to last longer in bed: tips to extend pleasure for you and your partner

How long should sex last? Most of us instinctively understand that there is no ‘correct’ answer to that question. However, for many of us—people with penises in particular—there’s still a nagging feeling that stamina is high on the list of desirable qualities in a sexual partner. Coming too quickly—often called ‘premature ejaculation’ if you have a dick—can sometimes be...

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Sexual communication: a practical guide on how to talk about sex

Perhaps the most common piece of sex advice offered online (or anywhere else, for that matter) is ‘communicate’. We’re told that communication is key, and that is definitely true—not just in sex but throughout relationships as a whole. But rarely are we given advice on how to talk about sex. Living in a society where we’re discouraged from talking about sex...

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Is noisy sex better sex? What your sex noises say about you

Ah, those sex noises, oos the ahhs—the yes, Yes YESSES!  Sex scenes in films and TV shows usually depict lovers in the throes of passion roaring, panting and grunting all the way to orgasm. Certainly, porn films also elevate the ooos into something mythical, but what about reality? From sneaking lovers under the cover of darkness into your parents’...

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5 ways to introduce tantra-inspired sex into your relationship

If you’ve recently watched our erotic movies, Number One and our female-only, Tantra Number Two, you might be thinking about tantra and giving the slow, sensual world of tantra-inspired sex a whirl. So what is tantra? Tantra is a Sanskrit term which means to weave, or even more lovely—to compose. Thinking about these definitions alone, you can feel a slowing of...

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An introduction to rough sex & how to enjoy it safely

Rough sex still carries a massive stigma for those who enjoy or want to explore it.  The feeling of shame that one may presume comes with being transparent about your interest in it, may be enough to turn someone off the idea – no pun intended! Rough sex is not shameful. Whilst, yes, slow, sensual lovemaking has its place,...

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Playing alone: self-bondage and other solo BDSM ideas

When you think of kink and BDSM, you probably think of it as a partnered activity. It’s certainly true that some kinky activities require a partner, or are at least easier with another person involved. However, this probably applies to far fewer activities than you might think, there are plenty of solo BDSM ideas to be enjoyed alone.  But what...

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Whats’s the psychology behind choking during sex

From “choke me, Daddy” memes to horror stories from first Tinder dates—as explored in our Sexual Choking Safety article—it feels like everyone and their Mom is into being choked these days. But, outside of the prevalence of depicted in porn, how do people come to associate with a seemingly violent action? And what is the psychology behind choking during sex? The...

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A guide to sexual choking – and must know safety tips

It feels like everyone, and their grandma is into sexual choking these days. Even though this BDSM kink is anything but entry-level, it feels more accessible to because it does not require fancy tools, bits, or bobs in order to participate. You already have everything on your body you need to engage in this kind of play. Despite this...

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A guide to butt plugs and how to use them?

You may already be au fait with the delights of the derriere, but if you are curious, we thought we’d feature the joys of anal fun and how to use a butt plug. Firstly, the term ‘butt plug’ is such an unsexy name for what can be a truly sumptuous sensual experience. Put simply; a butt plug is a...

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How to introduce prostate play to your sex life?

Prostates are finally getting their time in the sexual sun in recent years as our concept and understanding of pleasure continue to broaden beyond penis-in-vagina sex. What is the prostate? Often referred to as the ‘G Spot for penises’, prostate stimulation is touted as a way to experience more intense orgasms, but that’s not the only reason you should...

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