Expect more Grey erotica on the way
Yet again erotica has proved to be a number one seller in its global draw and has shot to the top of Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller book lists. Admittedly we are talking of another book associated with the already widely read Grey trilogy which sold more than 125 m copies, but this time we hear the author,...
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Don’t let the menopause be an excuse for your sex drive
At last a report has been mentioned in Time magazine contradicting all our previous understanding that the menopause was guilty of messing with our sex drive may actually be a myth! Hoorah we all shout, and I say that for all. This report undertaken by Dr Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London has actually...
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Olivia Purley – Erotic author interview
I am thrilled to bring you my next author interview which features the fabulous Olivia Purley, one of my many erotic authors who kindly collaborated with me on one of my films and wrote the erotic story that accompanies HOT BED. I was interested to know what she was currently writing and what indeed fuelled her passionate interest in...
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My erotic teaser…
Just sat going through some clips from last weeks filming in London and thought I would post a very quick teaser to wet your appetite as am thrilled with the gorgeous films captures and coming your way over the next few months…will post more here tomorrow as getting a little late in the UK now. Loves Anna x
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Why is latex still King of the condom?
I was reading some interesting facts on our use of condoms, the history of their development, through to what we actually think of them. While reading I couldn’t help ask myself, If the latex condom has been so unpopular, which it appears to have been, why oh why has it not faced greater competition on the condom aisle? How...
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EXCERPT from MA’AM’S NEW TOY by Veronica Savage
I am thrilled to be publishing an excerpt from one of my chosen authors Veronica Savage who collaborated with me on my film story LOVE LIPS and who gave us an insight into her erotic writing in our erotic authors interview a previously published feature. Below is the synospsis of the story Ma’am’s New Toy with her following chosen excerpt. You...
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Samantha Bentley features in Game of Thrones latest 5th series
For those members who enjoy watching one of our gorgeous models Samantha Bentley in action, will be delighted to see that she is also back on our tv screens for Season 5 of the huge and highly popular HBO hit series Game of Thrones. Samantha who has also starred in a number of our own very sexy erotic movies,...
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So busy with more erotic filming just for you
Ah what a week, and I fear one in which I have slightly neglected my posts on here too, so I must apologise for that, and quickly get back to my other job at hand, that of keeping you better up to date with what goes on behind the scenes of an erotic site like mine. However my time...
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With so much going on these days, and believe me Frolicme is expanding in so many ways, I wanted to make sure I keep my gorgeous members up to date with some of the new developments that are taking shape. In particular I have some more changes ahead on my site, one in particular which will go live in...
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Veronica Savage
I thought it was time to tell you all a little more about the erotic authors that support me so much with their wonderful words and naughty minds! I have always wanted to bring together the elegance of the written word and fuse it together with the visual enjoyment of film and my gorgeous authors help make this dream...
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Your thoughts… would you enjoy a watching a sexy man playing with himself?
I do enjoy reading your comments and believe me I do listen… so much so that I thought I would comment on a recent message asking…. “Why not switch it up and have the man playing for his girl”. Well this actually isn’t the first time I have thought about this and genuinely I am all up having some...
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Your confessions…tell me all and share with others xx
I do believe we all love to share our stories, whether they are just the seeds of a naughty thought that we play in our mind, a secret little fantasy we just can’t let go of, or something we have actually enjoyed during a random encounter that will stay with us for time to come. All these events, stories,...
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Girls you can increase your sex drive, just get to bed earlier!
Girls, it probably won’t come as much of a shock but lack of sleep really can have an impact on our sexual desire, and I should say that is directed at us girls not so much the boys. If we stop and think about it, it really all makes sense, ensuring we get our sleep plays a big part...
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A FREE full length erotic story…
A sexy free erotic story for you which I hope you will enjoy together with some sexy images to focus your mind and give you a naughty glimpse into my world of erotica. Enjoy…Loves Anna x ESCORT AT HOME Have you ever stepped out knowingly wearing less than you should but holding that secret to yourself and from those...
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Sign up to an Annual membership this week & help me donate to Red Nose Day
It was rather hard not to acknowledge Friday 13th March without a thought to Red Nose Day, the annual fund-raising event that has been working tirelessly since it began in 1985 is here again. Originally set up to help with the terrible famine in Ethiopia it now offers support spread across many incredibly charities helping young and old in...
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I just want to keep producing the best erotic films online
I have just ventured back after my last wave of filming, a very busy but always fun-packed few days, where myself and my team let our imaginative naughtiness flow to produce what I hope is some of the most creative and best erotic movies online. I am sure you must wonder what productions I am working on at any...
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Passionate and lustful, there’s lots of hot kissing in my films
Looking at my recent film HOT LIPS, I couldn’t help but think of our approach to hot kissing both on and off screen. There is no less or more kissing necessarily in that film than in any of my others, maybe it was just the large, full, red glittery lips adorning her jumper that made me dwell on kissing....
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Romance erotica, there is much more to it than you think! Here to tell us more is erotic author Erika Foxx
The largest and most profitable book genre is undoubtedly Romance Erotica, reported to be worth a staggering $1.44 billion and the most successful and profitable of all book genres to write in, more than horror, science fiction, crime and religious/inspirational. The likes of publishing houses such as Mills and Boon have kept themselves in print for quite literary 100...
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Fifty Shades of Grey…maybe we just didn’t get enough sex for one of the hot sex stories of the moment
It was always going to be a tough job, taking one of the most anticipated hot sex stories of our time, (just on the basis of the 100m books sold worldwide) and producing a film that would not disappoint, and particularly those loyal readers who enjoyed all 3 books in the trilogy. In fairness to the very artistic and...
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Erotic gift for lovers this Valentine’s Day with my love xxx
The Feast of St Valentine’s Day is upon us, today February 14th is a special day we have associated over centuries around the world for a day to celebrate romantic love. It marks an occasion when lovers can reveal their feelings and express them with gifts and personal written greetings. Although the special holiday grew from early Christian times...
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