Girl On The Net

Girl on the Net is a sex blogger and author who writes filth, feminism and funny stuff over at She’s written two books and she also makes audio porn – turning sexy stories into audio recordings to help make erotica more accessible (and also just because so many of us love a dirty bedtime story).

Girl On The Net

Author's Stories

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Author's Articles

Tips on how to give a great handjob

Kissing aside, I think hand jobs are one of the most underrated sex acts. They certainly have been for me, at any rate: an ex-partner once told me that hand jobs are like making a cup of tea because “it’s nice when someone does it for you, but they’ll never do it as well as you can.” Because of...

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How to last longer in bed: tips to extend pleasure for you and your partner

How long should sex last? Most of us instinctively understand that there is no ‘correct’ answer to that question. However, for many of us—people with penises in particular—there’s still a nagging feeling that stamina is high on the list of desirable qualities in a sexual partner. Coming too quickly—often called ‘premature ejaculation’ if you have a dick—can sometimes be...

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Sexual communication: a practical guide on how to talk about sex

Perhaps the most common piece of sex advice offered online (or anywhere else, for that matter) is ‘communicate’. We’re told that communication is key, and that is definitely true—not just in sex but throughout relationships as a whole. But rarely are we given advice on how to talk about sex. Living in a society where we’re discouraged from talking about sex...

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Safe porn websites

We often talk about ‘ethical porn’ in sex positive discourse, meaning porn in which the performers are paid fairly and treated well. Video, photos, audio porn, or erotica that you can enjoy as a consumer without worrying that you’re supporting toxic practices. But there’s more to an ethical porn experience than just knowing everyone who made it has been...

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