EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » Archive » Funny moments behind the scenes !

As many of you already know this new exciting world of erotic film production is one I would never have envisaged being part and could never have imagined what huge fun it would be at all levels from planning, shooting, post production to publication. As a result I thought it would be amusing to start sharing with you some of the funnier moments that are captured on set with my 'behind the scenes' moments which are always hilarious and often end up with everyone having to take stock and recompose ourselves for the serious job of producing AMAZING films for you all. FROLICME.COM GALLERY 006-123 Never one to be away from food for long I believe in ensuring the crew are looked after and in the above picture can see some 'in between' scene sandwiches that our cook prepared to ensure everyones energy levels are toped up. At first it takes a little getting use to standing and having a chat with a completely...

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2 thoughts on “Funny moments behind the scenes !

    • I do AGREE she is such a lovely person, we all got on as though we had known each other for years…great atmosphere on set that day, such fun. The chemistry between the two of them also jumps out at you in the film…Thrilled you approve. Anna xxx

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