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Are the men really well-endowed?

A cheeky post for you today as I feel I should spill the beans a little more on my new found knowledge of what it is really like behind the scenes in the erotic filming world. I know for sure there definitely has been a real flutter of intrigue and plenty of interest in my fabulous project. After all, how many people like myself really get to step into this naughty world, and so for me I am experiencing and learning new things all the time, but loving every single minute of it. Admittedly, there have been many questions that spring to people’s mind, but a hot topic in particular, which has mainly arisen from the girls, has been the huge fascination regarding the endowment factor of all the male models. Questions have been asked, some a little more direct than others, but they all take a similar vein along these lines …”are the men really as well-endowed as they look and do they really perform on command?” So I thought maybe a saucy post was required at this stage,  just to set the record straight, as I now feel confidently capable having received plenty of hands on experience of giving the answers.

YES… and YES!

Ahhhhhh, I hear gasps already. Certainly all the gorgeous male models who feature in our films, were not only very charming I should say and genuinely lovely to work with, they all were naturally enormous! Yes, the expressions of ‘hung like a donkey’ do spring to mind, and they obviously realised fairly early on in life, that they had a calling and an ability that could earn them a handsome living. Infact, I was always concerned at the point of everyone dressing for the films, that they would be able to fit their appendage into the pants purchased, without causing too much restriction.

Most of our models had all started in the business in their early twenties and the average age was about 30 yrs so they were all immensely comfortable and easy in the job role and I have to say seem to thoroughly enjoy themselves, and why wouldn’t they! Then of course there was their other physical skill, another natural ability of not getting distracted from maintaining a hard operating tool that was ready when needed to explode, and with very little preparation. So when your looking at our films, at you can be rest assured there was no additional photoshop required, any strange camera tricks or wide angled lenses. What you see was definitely what the lucky girls got. Well-endowed, I should say so!

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5 thoughts on “Are the men really well-endowed?

  1. Anna !!
    You are letting your ” Godness ” out !
    Now I am very much looking forward to this . Yes , I can enjoy a good ” winks ”

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