EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » ANNA'S DIARY » Just back from filming more erotic movies in Barcelona

I am just catching my breath after a very sexy as well as incredibly busy week away filming in Barcelona. I have literally just got off the plane on Friday armed full of erotic movies and images all freshly filmed and in the can. It was the first time I had the chance to get over the water to work in Spain, but something I had been planning for some time, and I know it certainly won’t be the last. Just the chance to work with new faces as well as a host of hot highly desirable bodies who exude that delicious continental eroticism I so wanted to capture. The days were full with all the make-up, preparation, costume, accessories, concept and directing but I really am thrilled with the outcome and I so hope you will be too. So you can know exactly what I do get up running Frolicme, I thought I would post up some very fresh images shot in literally last week to definitely wet your...

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2 thoughts on “Just back from filming more erotic movies in Barcelona

    • Ah yes such a lovely place, yes I have a series of films getting published as we speak and more to come too. Loves Anna xx

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