The beauty and pleasure of pregnancy sex

This beautiful erotic film is particularly special and unique and one I have wanted to produce for some time. I was so delighted to have the opportunity to portray this very significant moment in their life with real couple Vinna and Angelo, excited to be welcoming their first child together.

This is a beautiful glimpse into the intimate and sensual connection between two lovers as they explore the pleasure of pregnancy sex. There is so much tenderness between them and we can see how sensitive and responsive Vinna’s body is, her breasts swollen and engorged. Her gorgeous blossoming curves becoming aroused as they share the moment of gentle seduction, passion and the knowledge of how to please each other. His body so familiar to her, her body also familiar and yet, with a new fulness and sensitivity. It’s a whole new level of intimacy and this erotic movie is a gorgeous celebration of the miracle of love and life.

Rarely is the pleasure of pregnancy sex seen in erotic movies, yet this is a memorable life event and is no less deserving as a focus on sex and female pleasure. Being pregnant can be the ultimate moment for some women, your body defined by new life in an exciting chapter of yourself as a woman, lover and mother. Developing curves and taking on a new shape can feel empowering and arousing, not least with all those love hormones coursing through your body. You may find this is a time where you are more responsive to sensual touch and your libido might grow along with your bump.

Pregnancy sex does create new physical challenges but for many, these include wonderfully enriched sexual experiences with boats of heightened desire and horniness with intense pregnancy orgasms.

I am so very proud of this meaningful porn for women film, especially because of the real love and sexual connection between these two lovers we’ve been allowed to witness. I think it’s important to portray the view that just because we become parents does not mean we lose our sexual desires that got us there! I adore this gentle, beautiful, passionate encounter of a couple so deeply in love and on one of life’s most incredible journeys together. The pleasure of pregnancy sex indeed.

For more information, browse through our supporting articles on sex when pregnant and sex during pregnancy in our online magazine.

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9 thoughts on “The beauty and pleasure of pregnancy sex

  1. A truly amazing film, that perfectly captures the sensual side of pregnancy. I hope you are able to make more films like this one in the future!

  2. This is the most beautiful and sexy video I have seen! This is how I love the sex – slow and sensual (minus the one scene with the painful looking rubbing of the clit…). Please do more of those slow sensual videos which really look like a pleasure for the woman!

  3. Oh – my – gosh!! Anna, you say you waited a long time to shoot such a scene – well you waited until the fruit was ripe and so sweet. Thank you, and thanks to the couple for sharing the moment. Lovely, sexy, beautiful.

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