EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » Archive » We’ve done it again… more in the can!

We’ve done it again… more in the can!

Well I can honestly say it’s amazing what you can fit into a month if you try! Though starting to wonder where January has gone, I can at least look back and see how much I have managed to achieve and ticked off my ‘to do’ list. I feel I can take a little breather, but only a very small one and at least start to bring you up to speed with some of my adventures.

Having hurtled out of December at far too fast a pace, I was in full on shoot organising mode, to ensure I could fly off to Prague with plenty of ideas, stories and props for the next set of films. And even if I say it myself. I think the results are pretty awesome. Looking again at many of the scenes we took, I am really excited at where my project is going. Who would have thought that someone like myself who really just enjoyed a little naughty fun could actually find herself behind a camera on her own erotic film set.

OK yes, I did have a small team;  2 fabulous young camera guys, 1 director, 1 sound man, and a wonderful Italian make-up artist who also ensured we were fed far too well on an array of gorgeous food, oh and of course myself. Not sure what title to give myself as really chief of  ….Props, Wardrobe, Stylist, Director, and also Clapper Board person! Plus my ever present husband, known as my other creative brain, who loves to try and interpret what is going on in mine. Then of course, we had a wonderful selection of models, some I met last time I was in Prague who I really wanted to work with again and one or two new faces. Although the days were long due to the technical implications of filming… lighting, cameras etc, I can honestly say there was a tremendous amount of laughter and giggles over the days, during which we also captured some very funny behind the scenes footage.  So my introduction to shooting erotic material has so far been a very enjoyable and positive one. But that to me is how it should be.

I can truly say with that team I believe we succeeded, and are rapidly now putting everything in place for our launch, aptly on Valentine’s Day. The perfect gift for your lover. After all, there’s plenty of passion and sexy play in these films and lots of kissing too! When else should we launch it? Please come and visit us to register your interest at and I will send you a very gorgeous and totally discreet invite closer to the time.

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7 thoughts on “We’ve done it again… more in the can!

  1. Im just so excited! I stand in a bit of awe…you had a vision….you took it to task…and here you are, about to see the fruits of your labor!

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