EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » Archive » Threesome is a magic number! xx

Last week I headed away to Prague again, a city I admit to visiting a few times now and where all my directing skills first took shape. It was just over a year ago I first properly stood next to my team with clapperboard in hand to ensure my films had all the ingredients I was looking for. This time… I had numbers in my head. A threesome! Yes I wanted to start adding to my collection with some more sexy erotic fucking with at least 3 all enjoying fabulous naughty pleasure. I am thrilled to say I have for you my first boy, boy, girl scene in the can, something I had so wanted to do for some time, and my view is, it certainly wont be the last, and so many more variations too. Erotica for Women & Couples 043 - BOY OH BOY - FROLICME.COM (roughs)-3 I have always been conscious with my naughty erotica to keep my productions fresh and individual as much as I can, which is why I have focused on not trying to over load my site with new...

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