EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » Archive » Welcome all you Killing Kittens to my erotic site!

Welcome all you Killing Kittens to my erotic site!

To all those gorgeous Killing Kittens out there, you may have noticed that my erotic site is now being featured within the Boutique pages of the official Killing Kittens website! I’m so thrilled that my style of erotica is starting to reach out far and wide and catching a lot of attention! I was delighted to get involved and have such a presence on their very sexy site. Now anyone visiting the Killing Kittens website, will be able to click through to see my very sensual and arousing films and stories as well as many more aspects my erotic site is now offering.  So a special hello to those Kittens that have already made the journey across to join my erotic adventures, I have had some wonderful support, and such positive praise for my passionate film making.

Well my erotic site is really starting to grow and take shape and there is still so much more starting to happen. Over the last few days we have included larger sharper images, this is very apparent in the film section with better navigation throughout so you can see more easily those more recent updates. I have also looked at bringing in more information onto the films and picture galleries, so you can see film lengths and number of images available to view. I also have 2 very exciting developments that I have been working on and can reveal very soon. One incredibly imminent, but I am holding back from telling you too soon, but I really hope will add a further experience when you visit the site and another just a week or so away. But I know that is still only the start of it all.

So to my dear site I really am excited about all the plans afoot. My next film, the follow up to Voyeur will be out in a matter of hours, so don’t forget to take a peek! It’s very naughty… and very girl girl! Hmm sure you will love it. xx


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