Romantic porn story of a honeymoon with a difference


The first time I saw Sicilia she was standing around the back of the bike sheds puffing on a cigarette. Her school skirt was rolled up showing off her long tanned legs, and her hair was in a high ponytail, held there with a tartan scrunchy.

She was talking with a group of friends and it was clear she was the coolest in the bunch, the one they all wanted to be like. Not that she was aware of that, the one thing I knew about Sicilia was she had no idea of the effect she had on the people around her.

“You’re a lucky bastard sitting next to her in Geography,” Martin, my best mate said as he shook a ciggie from a packet. “I’d give her one any day.”

His words irked me. Sicilia was worth more than a quickie, or a blow job after the school disco, or a frisky afternoon bunking off down at Farmer Drayton’s old barn. She was intelligent, caring, she had a keen sense of humour and dreams of becoming a nurse. She loved her dog, Poochie, and worried about her older brother who was recovering from a serious car accident that had shaken the whole family.

“Yeah,” I muttered, wondering if I should go and talk to her.

“Here.” Martin handed me a fag.


“Think I’ll try my luck,” Martin said, lighting up.

“With what?” My heart sank. I knew what he was talking about. He was going to try his luck with the only girl in the school I had any interest in. And being that he was tall, blond and had that surfer dude look going on, he’d likely have success.

“You know, getting in her knickers,” he said. “Trying my luck at that.”

I frowned and squeezed the cigarette in my hand. It snapped.

“Hey, watch it, I paid good money for that.” He took it from me and tried to fix it.

“You really think she’d let you anywhere near her knickers?” I hoped my tone held enough doubt that his confidence would be shaken.

“Sure, I’ve seen the way she looks at me.”

“Does she?” I glanced her way again.

She was staring straight at me.

The hairs on the back of my neck tickled and my heart did a strange rolling whump, whump. Heat travelled over my shoulders and up my neck. I hoped my cheeks weren’t going red.

“Yeah.” Martin paused to shoot a stream of smoke out through his pursed lips. “Last week, in art, she was giving me those come-to-bed eyes, or should I say let-me-spread-my-legs-for-you eyes.” He laughed.

“She was not.”

“She was. Try not to be too jealous.

I resisted thumping him when he clasped my shoulder. Sicilia didn’t need to see that.

“I’m going over there,” he said.


“What?” His brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed.

“I said, no.”

“You can’t stop me.”

I hesitated, not wanting to lay my cards on the table. But the time had come. I had no choice. “I’m going to speak to her, Martin, I know her better than you do.”


“And I fancy her.”

His eyebrows raised and dragged on his smoke. “Really?”

“Yes, really. What’s so odd about that? We’re already friends, more than you are with her.”

“You fancy Sicilia?”

Damn that heat was still growing, now I knew my cheeks would be red. And with my black as night hair I’d look like a beetroot with a wig on.

He chuckled. “I guess we have a problem then.”

“I guess we do.” I tilted my chin, and resisted looking her way again, even though my eyes were drawn her way as if by some magnetic force.

“Tell you what.” Martin tugged a coin from his pocket. “As it goes against the code of mates to chase the same girl we’ll toss for it. Winner gets Sicilia, loser admits defeat and searches for new conquests.”

It was the last thing I wanted to do, bet one way or the other on Sicilia, but what choice did I have. “Okay. Heads.”

“You sure?”

I shrugged.

He flipped the coin. It spun once, twice, three times then landed in his hand.

As he unfurled his fingers he revealed it was tail side up.

“I won her.” The grin that spread on his face made me want to be sick. It was full of triumph and glee. His eyes flashed as though dirty thoughts were rushing through his mind. It made me want to punch him all over again.

But I didn’t. I’d been suspended last month for fighting and promised my mother that she’d never have to go into the head’s office again. I intended to keep that promise.

“Wish me luck,” Martin said, running his hand through his hair. “Not that I’ll need it.”




The beat of the music went right through my chest, seeming to vibrate my heart and throat. I’d been so excited about the school disco and finally it was here.

But where was Martin?

When we’d been at the cinema last week he’d asked me to go with him. Said we’d dance all night, and he’d walk me home.

I’d bought a new denim skirt especially—short and tight and with a frayed hem.

“He here yet?” Nicola asked.

“No, I can’t see him.”

“I’m sure he’ll turn up.”

“I’m worried,” I said.

“That Martin’s had an accident?” Nicola touched my arm. “You mustn’t always think the worst because of what happened to Paul.”

I hesitated. “Yeah, you’re right.” I hadn’t been worried about Martin having a car crash at all. What had crossed my mind on several occasions was that he just wasn’t that into me. More than once he’d stood me up, he often said he’d call then didn’t, and what was worse was I’d heard Jasmine Hill saying she’d been getting messages from him late at night.

But Jasmine Hill is a big fat liar, everyone knows that.

“Well there’s Nick and where there’s one, the other is usually close behind.” Nicola pointed through the throng of people.

Sure enough, Nick, Martin’s best friend and my geography partner, was heading across the floor. Tall, with a square jaw, eyes as black as his mop of hair and shoulders that seemed to be getting broader each month, he was one hell of a good looking guy.

At one time I’d thought there might be a spark between us. I’d hoped there was. But as soon as I’d started going out with Martin, whatever had fizzled between us had gone out—he’d thrown a bucket of water on it.

I couldn’t ignore the sag of disappointment knowing he didn’t have feelings for me anymore created. I did for him, even if they were buried. And that’s where they’d stay—they’d have to now I was in deep with Martin. I’d even hinted that we might do itsoon.

“Ah, yep, and there he is, lover boy.” Nicole chuckled.

But the sound of her laughter died as she saw what I did.

Martin was holding hands…with Jasmine-bloody-Hill.

“Bastard.” I clenched my jaw so tight I feared for my teeth.

“Bitch.” Nicole slammed her fist into her palm.

A wave of fury mixed with humiliation ripped through me. I pushed through the crowd in their direction.

When I was close to Martin I stopped.

His gaze landing on me. He released her hand. “Sicilia.”

“Surprised to see me? We were meeting here, remember.”

“Yeah, of course, but…”

“Oh fuck off.” I pushed past him, my shoulder briefly connecting with Nick’s, and ran to the exit. Clearly he thought we were just another couple fucking.

Once outside I breathed deep, sucking in the cool night air. Wishing it would put out the flames of my hurt and anger.

It didn’t.

“Er, are you okay?”

I turned, swiping at tears as I did so. “Of course I am.”

Nick stood there, the light from a lamppost spilling onto him and making his handsome features all the sharper. “You’re too good for him, you know.”

I held in a sob, sniffed instead.

“He doesn’t deserve you.” Nick stepped forward. His eyes were full of compassion and his voice soft.

“But I…”

“Please don’t say you love him.” A muscle flexed in his cheek

I bit on my bottom lip and closed my eyes. How had Martin, the school pretty bad boy, got to me so badly?

“Ah, come here.”

The next thing I knew I was in Nick’s arms and pressed against his warm solid chest. My cheek bunched on his t-shirt as he held me close. His breath breezed onto my ear as he whispered that it would all be okay.

I clung to him, his strength seeming to infuse into me. It was as if he was holding not just my body but also my heart.

“What the fuck is going on out here?”

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0:00 25:55

Martin’s voice blasted through my mind with all the grace of an earthquake.

“Go away,” I muttered.

Nick kept me close.

“What the fuck are you doing with my girl?” Martin said.

I raised my head. “And what the fuck were you doing with Jasmine?”

“I can explain, if you’ll let me.” Martin held out his hands. “And if my so-called best friend stops trying to get in your knickers.”

“I’m hardly doing that.” Nick huffed. “If you hadn’t noticed Sicilia is upset.”

“Yeah I had noticed, and I’ll look after my girl.”


“Alright!” Martin snapped.

“Yeah, alright.” Nick released me. Instantly I missed his body against mine. His warmth and his steady strength.

“It’s not what you think.” Martin wrapped his arm around my waist and led me away. “Really it isn’t. Let me explain…”




I’d been dreading this day, and now it was here.

The wedding.

Their wedding.

The day my one true love made the biggest mistake of her life by marrying my best friend.

Best friend.

Yeah, Martin was, despite being a womaniser, and a player, but what could I do? We’d gone through school and college together, had more beer-fuelled weeks away than I could count and played five-a-side every Tuesday and Thursday. He’d had my back when it went wrong with Shelly, he’d been there when my Mom battled cancer.

And now I was his best man.

“You okay?” I asked him as he paced beside the pulpit. His hair was super short, his usually tanned cheeks pale and he was fiddling with his cufflinks.

“Course.” He huffed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Only this is supposed to be the best day of your life, Martin, and you’re acting like it’s the worst.”

“I’m just…” He paused and set his attention on the growing congregation. “Nervous.”

I didn’t know what the hell he had to be nervous about. He was about to marry the most gorgeous creature to have ever walked the earth. Not only that he was going to have her in his life and his bed until death parted them. I’d be happy with a single day and night with Sicilia. I was sure the memories of being with her, having her to myself, would last a lifetime.

I wrapped my fingers around the box in my pocket. It held the rings, including the one she’d wear on her delicate finger for all of time. I swallowed, the taste of regret, disappointment and loss was bitter on my tongue.

If only the coin had landed heads up. Would I be the groom today? Martin the best man? If I was in his position, there’s no way I’d be pacing as if I was about to go to the hangman’s noose.

Resting my hand on his shoulder, I studied him. “Martin, mate, why don’t you have a swig out of your flask?”

“I’ve done that.” He glanced at the church door. It was wide open, the sunny day allowing stark white light to spread onto the aisle.

“Have some more.”

“No.” He swallowed, as though he might vomit. “I can’t.”

“A sip won’t hurt.”

“No, not that.” He shook his head. “I can’t do it.”

“Do what?”

“Marry her.”

“What.” I spun him from the crowd. “What are you saying?”

“I just don’t…love her enough.”

“You did when you asked her to be your bride.” A kernel of hope popped inside me, but at the same time a tsunami of fury washed over my heart—she’d be so hurt by this.

He always hurt her.

So of course he’d jilt her at the alter.

“Nick,” he said. “Will you sort it for me?”

“Sort what? What the fuck are you talking about, Martin?”

“Everything. Sort everything. Tell them.” He jerked his head at the crowd. “Tell them the wedding is off. And then go and find Sicilia, tell her too.”

My jaw hung down, then, “You tell her yourself.”

He shook his head and backed away from me. “No. I can’t.”

My mind span as he ran up the aisle, his smart new shoes silent on the long red carpet and the tails of his morning coat flapping behind him.

People turned to watch his exit, surprised, concern and amusement on their faces.

And then he was gone.

Just like that, the groom had left the wedding and left me to pick up the pieces.

Quickly I told the two ushers what was going on, then with emotions pinging around inside of me, I walked out of the church.

A huge cream roller was parked on the road, white ribbons fluttering from the flying lady.

Sicilia sat in the back, her veil covering her face, but not so much that I couldn’t see that she knew something was wrong.

I opened the door. “We need to talk.”

“What’s going on?” Her father asked.

I gnawed on the inside of my cheek.

“Nick?” she asked, flicking back her veil.

“Come with me.” I held out my hand.

Relief washed through me when she took it. This was a conversation we needed to have in private.

For a moment the disastrous situation receded and all I could concentrate on was her. She was more beautiful than any goddess. In a figure hugging white dress that flared at the base, her creamy skin sparkled delicately and her hair was piled high and dotted with tiny white flowers.

“My God you’re stunning,” I said, my mouth drying. “I mean really beautiful.”

“Thanks.” She frowned. “What’s going on?”

“This way.” I held out the crook of my arm and led her around the side of the church. Earlier I’d spotted a bench tucked into a nook in the church wall.

“This will wreck my shoes.”

I didn’t speak.

“Nick.” She tugged me, forcing me to stop. “Just tell me.”

I braced for the pain my words would cause. Through no fault of my own I was going to hurt this wonderful woman. “He’s gone.”

“What? Who’s gone?”


Her mouth fell open.

“He’s left.”

“Left, but we haven’t had the ceremony yet and…” He eyes misted.

I frowned.

“There must be a mistake.” She looked around the churchyard. “What happened? Did something happen?”

“I guess it did.” I cupped her pretty face and forced her to look up at me.

“I don’t, I can’t…understand.”

“He changed his mind, Sicilia.”

“But it’s all planned. It was his damn idea to get married.”

Her emotions were rollercoastering from shock to disbelief then to anger.

“I’m sorry.”

“Where the hell is he?”

“I don’t know.

“You don’t know?”

“Sicilia. I wish there was an easy way to—”

“To let someone know they’ve been jilted at the alter. I guess there isn’t.” She sighed and looked at the ground.

I released her face but reached for her hands, took both of them and squeezed. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Yes.” She looked up at me, a spark of passion and determination in her eyes.

“What? Anything. I’ll do anything for you.” And I meant it, I really would. Burning coals, jump from a great height…anything.

“I’ve paid for a perfectly good honeymoon to Ibiza and I have no intention of going alone.”

“I don’t understand.” Or at least I didn’t dare to think what she might mean.

“Come with me, Nick.”

“To Ibiza? On your honeymoon…I can’t.”

“There’s no such word as can’t and I know you took the week off after the wedding, you said you’d take that long to recover from it.”

“Sicilia.” Hope was coiling up inside me, threatening to spring loose and become full-blown excitement.

“Sod Martin, sod that lot in there, let’s go.” She turned but kept hold of one of my hands. “Let’s just get ourselves to the airport and go.”

I allowed her to drag me along. Martin’s face hung in my mind’s eye, I pushed it away.

I’d said right from the beginning he didn’t deserve her.




Within forty-eight hours of being jilted I’d decided two things. One I loved Ibiza, and two I’d had a lucky escape not marrying Martin.

I’d sat on the beach mentally going through all the shit he’d thrown my way over the last few years. All the times I’d fallen for his excuses because they’d come from a handsome face. I’d never thought I’d be the type of woman to put up with such crap yet I did. For so long. And it went so far.

But now it was history and it was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

Sipping on a pina colada, I watched Nick emerge from the sea. With his dark stubble, broad tanned chest and swim shorts clinging to an interesting bulge in his swimshorts, I knew I’d made the right choice asking him to accompany me.

It had been spur of the moment, impulsive, yes, but also a long time coming, us being together that was.

Plus he was perfect company. He knew when to speak and when not to, knowing I was working through my thoughts. He’d remembered to put sun cream on my back when I’d forgotten, bought me a little gold anklet with anchors on it from a beach seller and booked us a trip out dolphin spotting later in the week because he knew that was on my bucket list.

“How’s the cocktail?” he asked, flopping on the lounger next to me. His skin sparkling with sea water.


“Good.” He eyes glistened, but I only saw them for a second because then he dropped his shades into place.

I straightened out my small golden weaved bikini, thankful that even if my wedding dress hadn’t come to any use, my carefully packed honeymoon wardrobe was being well worn.

“You see those idiots on the banana boat,” Nick said with a chuckle.

“I think they’re mad.”

We watched in silence as the bright yellow inflatable sped past, the occupants bobbing up and down and squealing.

When they’d gone I turned to Nick. “Thanks for coming with me, to Ibiza.”

“Thanks for inviting me.”

I cleared my throat. My next words had been brewing all afternoon. But was it too soon?

No, we’ve been waiting for years.

I sucked on my cocktail, the last bit slurping up the straw.

He smiled my way. “Want another?”

“No thanks, I think I’ll go and lie down in the room for a while.”

“Okay, have a good rest, I’ll make sure no one takes your lounger.

I sat on the edge of the sunbed and lifted my shades. “Nick.”


“Come with me.”

His mouth opened and closed then he bit on his bottom lip.

“Come upstairs with me, please.”

“I don’t know if I should.”

“What do you mean?”

He sat too, so our knees were almost touching. “I adore being here with you and…”

“And what?”

“And I don’t want to ruin it.”

“Why would you ruin it?”

“You’re…” He shifted on the seat. “So damn gorgeous and for so long I’ve…”

“Say it.” God, I wanted him to say it. Did he feel the same as me?

“I’ve had feelings for you, Sicilia.”

My broken heart rallied, it seemed to fix right up, there and then with those few words from the mouth of a man who’d always been there for me. “You’ve had feelings for me for a long time?”

He lifted his shades, his eyes narrowed in the sunshine. “I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember, but that’s bad isn’t it.”

“Why?” Bad, how could it be bad?

“Because of Martin. I’m supposed to be his best mate.”

“Shh.” I leaned forward, so my lips hovered over his. “Don’t say his name, he’s not here, you are.”

“I don’t want to say his name, or think about him.”

“Me neither.” I kissed him, a soft press of lips.

He moaned, as if it had been the most passion, lust-crazed kiss ever.

“So come upstairs,” I said, my need for him growing by the second. “And if you love me, make love to me.”




I splashed water on my face then stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Fresh out the shower, I was naked, my cock hardening with each beat of my heart. In the main bedroom the woman of my dreams, the love of my life, lay there waiting for me.

Would she like my stubble? It was long. I hadn’t shaved since before the non-wedding. Maybe I should, now, quickly so I didn’t give her a rash. And my hair, damn, it was shorter than usual. I didn’t like it this short. Did she?

I grabbed a towel, dried my face then rubbed my neck. How the hell was I supposed to have any kind of stamina with Sicilia/ I’d lusted after her since I was a teenager. She was the star of all my wet dreams.

But I had to. I had to show her we were meant to be.


Yes, good idea. I’d start with a sensual massage, turn her on while I kept my cock under control, because damn he was going to be a greedy little fucker once I got inside her.

After several deep breaths, I wrapped the towel around my waist, and headed into the bedroom. My heart was going as if I’d just played a full ninety minutes on the pitch, and I was sure neat lust was pumping through my veins.

She appeared to be sleeping, in that sinfully sexy little gold bikini. But the time for sleeping was over. This had been a long time coming…literally.

I crawled onto the bed, the mattress shifting under my weight. She stirred and a small smile curled the corners of her lips.

My cock throbbed at being so near her, when she had so little clothes on, but I resisted the urge to go down the hard and fast route and reached for a bottle of oil.

Her arse was peachy, perfect for caressing, slapping, biting. God I wanted her.

“Hey,” she said softly.

“Shh, let me.” I released her bikini top then pushed it off. I could taste the anticipation of seeing her breasts for the first time, of touching them.

Take it slow, Nick.

I sucked in a breath—hoping patience would come with it—and poured oil onto her back. I was generous. I didn’t want to have to mess around with the bottle too much.

And then I set to work, exploring her gentle curves, learning her shape. I wanted know her body so well that if I was blindfolded I’d know it was her.

She murmured, wriggled a little, as if the newness of my touch was thrilling her.

I hope so.

I leaned up, kissed her neck and inhaled her sweet scent.

Again my cock throbbed, my balls aching with need.

I allowed my impatience a moment of dominance and tugged her bikini bottoms down. She didn’t object, so I kissed her pretty arse then reached for more oil. I massaged, rubbing it in. Would this be a one time only thing or was this us now?

I didn’t know and I didn’t want to contemplate Sicilia not being my future.

I slid her bikini bottoms completely off. I wanted her so badly, but I didn’t know where to start. It was as if I needed to climb inside her, be her, let her see how much I loved her, always had and always would.

Discarding my towel, my cock rose upward. I had a moment of panic, I was big, I’d been told that before and Sicilia was petite, delicate. I didn’t want to hurt her.

She turned, looked at my erection and smiled—a get-on-and-fuck-me smile that disbanded my fears.

Her sweet hairless pussy was there, waiting, and I coated my cock in her arousal, then settled at her entrance.

She was wriggling, as if impatient, but I kept my cool, kept it steady. I even teased her for a moment, rubbing my cock through the cleft of her buttocks, letting her know just what she was in for.

And then I could hold off no longer. I pushed in, penetrating to the hilt. The moment I’d waited all my life for had arrived.

Her tight pussy hugged my cock. She groaned and arched her back. I paused for the briefest moment then began to fuck. It was different, it was romantic sex, not just another fuck, it meant something to me. She meant something to me.

Damn it’s too good.

I kissed her, felt her buck beneath me, taking me and groaning for more.

This was good, so good, and I had control. I gripped her shoulders, thrusting into her was like being in Heaven. She was so wet now, wet for my cock. Wet for me.

Her long hair had come loose and her moans getting louder. Pressure was building. I wanted to come.

Not yet.

I rolled onto my side, but didn’t loose the grip of her pussy. She lifted and I cupped her soft, pert breasts as she rode my cock. I knew I’d never get enough of her.

She twisted and I caught her mouth with mine. A luscious wide kiss that echoed with our lusty groans. My scalp stung when she gripped my hair, but it didn’t stop me fucking her, taking us both toward orgasm.

She turned to the ceiling and I watched her face contort.

Is she getting close?

My fingers were in her mouth. She was sucking them.

Damn, was she trying to make me spurt before she came?

And then she was riding me, bouncing on my cock, fucking me. Her gasps and cries for more were echoing around the room, echoing around my mind.

She came, a wailing orgasm that had her pussy clenching around my cock and moisture leaking from her. It was a sound from my wet dreams, a longed-for moment in my life.

“Sicilia.” I helped her slip from me, and flop onto the bed.

“Oh, Nick.” Her eyes were closed, her body pliant.

I made the most of the moment, kissed her nipples then slid between her legs. I’d have her coming again, with me, if it was the last thing I did.

She arched her back, spread her legs and gripped my hair.

I set to work with my tongue, I knew damn well I was good at oral and Sicilia was going to get all my moves.

Her sweet pussy tasted of honey and the sea. I became lost in it, in her, and before I knew it she was arching and bucking for more. I gripped her ankle. Indulged myself in watching her face as I licked her.

But that was my undoing. My self-control slipped. I had to get inside her again and this time I had to come.

I rose up, feeling as if I was about to become complete, finally the person I wanted to be and with the person I needed to be with.

She welcomed me with her arms and legs spread. And then we were kissing and fucking and the bed was squeaking. I was rubbing against her clit with each upward grind. We’d become one person, our breaths and bodies joining.

“Come,” I gasped. “Come again.”

She kissed me, her body tense as she clung to me. I couldn’t hold off and as she wailed through her second release I gave into the animal in me. I fucked her, hard and fast and hoping she could feel how much I loved her with each pump of my hips.

When I came it was like nothing I’d felt before. Ecstasy wrapped up in bliss. I knew I’d never be the same again. Sicilia had ruined me for all other women.

Eventually we slowed, panting, kissing, stunned by what we’d just done. Finally.

“Nick,” she whispered, stroking my arse cheek. “I love you too.”

Read all about the wonderful author: Lily Harlem

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