M&S - Story

M&S ripped pantyhose erotic sex story

“You look amazing in that dress,” Mark growled in his girlfriend’s ear as he walked into her apartment. His hands were around the waist of her retro dress, pulling her back hard towards his hips to let her feel his appreciation. “Makes me want to fuck you here in the hallway.”

Satine’s ass was beautifully rounded, her breasts just the right fit for his palms, and her pink flesh perfectly squeezable. She was curvy like a 1950’s pinup poster girl. Once Mark had mentioned his fondness for the look, and she’d played it up with sexy little-flared dresses ever since. Today she’d paired a black number with matching patterned scarves around her ponytail and her neck. When she looked like this Mark had no control. The sexy part that is and Satine knew it.

“Not yet,” she giggled, tossing her curly, blonde ponytail as she batted her eyelashes. “I have other plans.”

His cock twitched at the promise laced in those seemingly innocuous words. Mark still hadn’t wrapped his head around how Satine could seem so perfectly innocent and completely filthy at the same time. As if she knew what he was thinking, Satine giggled again, grabbed the growing bulge in his pants and started leading him into the bedroom. Mark knew he was in for a long and torturous afternoon. She’d promised that over the phone.

When they first met, Mark would never have guessed how kinky Satine was. She’d seemed fairly ordinary. Averagely pretty, likeable enough, and apparently successful from what his friends had told him, but nothing about her really stood out. It wasn’t until he’d accidentally spilt a drink on her that she caught his attention. He’d been apologizing and had to stop mid-sentence as her hand had risen to the sweetheart neckline of her dress. With one finger Satine had swiped at the sticky liquid of his cocktail shimmering on her breasts. The sight of her finger pushing between those full lips to take a taste was enough to keep him by her side the rest of the night. After that, no other woman held his interest.

Today Satine was obviously in the mood to play. Mark took no time getting undressed and pulling her onto the bed. He watched her crawl over his body, relishing the feel of her thighs as they straddled him. Her fingers rose to her neck and with a smooth movement, she undid the knot in the scarf. Taking his wrist, she brought his arm up and secured it to the bedpost with her scarf. Mark raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she repeated the process with the scarf holding back her blonde curls, until his arms and legs were bound BDSM style.

Satine placed a kiss to his chest before moving off the bed and securing his feet with a matching scarf. Then she disappeared. For what seemed like an eternity he waited, hard and ready. When she sashayed back into his view she was wearing a towel. He couldn’t resist a growl of appreciation as she dropped it to the floor while running her fingers across her stomach. Her movements only made him more aware that he couldn’t touch her. Mark loved it when she took control like this.

His mind wandered to where she might take him today as he watched her put on a sheer black bra. Then Satine pulled out a pair of nude pantyhose. Mark’s mouth went dry. His whole body went to rigid attention. He’d told her once that pantyhose were part of his sexual fantasy. Some men preferred stockings, but Mark...

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