Erotic husband and wife fuck on the lounge chair

It had been a long week, and I missed him so much.  I hadn’t seen him for over two weeks, this business trip he was on had been longer than the others.  Only more day until I would see him again, and I couldn’t wait to get him naked.  I was insanely frustrated and wanted to have him in my bed, with his hands all over me, his fingers inside me.  I missed his touch, the way he trails his fingers down my thigh in the mornings to wake me up.

Walking through the door to our home, I dropped my keys and handbag on the hallway table I kicked off my shoes and padded through the carpeted corridor to the bedroom.  Having had dinner with some friends before coming home I wanted to settle in my favourite chair.  I had received an anonymous package in the post a few days ago and inside was a hot and steamy erotic novel.

There was no message inside, and I didn’t have any idea as to who had sent it to me, but I was enjoying it immensely.  I had spent the last three nights falling asleep with a smile on my face.  The husband-wife sex scenes and hotwife sex had helped me come more than once and aided my ease into sleep.  I sent a grateful thank out into the universe to whoever had sent the book.  I was hooked and wanted to finish reading it this evening.

Changing from my restrictive work clothes of a tight pencil skirt and crisp white blouse, I threw on a t-shirt, keeping my panties and digging out some oversized socks to put on.  Walking across to the chair, I picked up the book and found the bookmarked page and read on.  The characters were coming home from work themselves and were unable to wait until they were inside the apartment to make love.

The male character had his lady up against the wall and was thrusting up into her, hard.  I was imagining her head thrown back in ecstasy as they let out their mutual orgasms.

I felt the cushion dip next to me.  I was so absorbed with the lust and passion of the sex scene I had just read I had not heard that someone else was in our apartment with me.  I felt the tips of four fingers trail their way down my exposed thigh and to my knee.  By the time his fingers had reached the back of my knee my eyes were closed and I breathed in a lung full of air and smelt the familiar aftershave of my lover.


As he settled next to me not uttering a word I opened my eyes and looked straight into his baby blues.  He raised his eyebrow and nodded towards my book for me to keep reading.  I didn’t say a word and stared at him for a few more seconds and smiled shyly but dragged my eyes back the pages.  I shifted slightly on the chair that was big enough for the two of us.  The scene in the lift had gotten me a little hot and bothered and I knew that I was flushed and wet.  Reading about a cock thrusting hard into a pussy had me squirming in my seat, and I longed for a real cock to be repeatedly thrusting into me.

I longed to feel the heat spread across my body as I approached my climax.

Stretching my bare legs across his I felt the warmth from his skin seep into mine.  His hairy legs were a reminder to me of his masculinity and the familiar tickle on my legs.  I tried to read the book but lost my concentration several times and had to re-read the same paragraph which was particularly hot and was not aiding my focus.

As he placed the flat of his palm of his hand on the side of my knee and slowly smoothed up my leg, I knew that I would not be reading any more of the book tonight.  He was in my home, and I wanted him inside me and soon.  I turned to look into his soft blue eyes and saw lust gleam back at me.  He wanted me too, he leaned in and hovered over my mouth for a second and then kissed me passionately.  He searched my mouth, exploring and teasing my tongue, that first touch sent a shiver straight between my legs and made my pussy sing. Pussy licking me into oblivion. That instant throb that I felt when his warm wet tongue touched mine was blissful.  As he pulled me tighter into his arms and kissed me harder, I began to whimper and shifted in the chair.  I needed to feel his touch, and I told him.  He pressed a finger to my lips to silence me and told me with his eyes that he knew what I wanted.

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0:00 18:49

We both watched as his finger left my mouth and trailed its way down to my stomach between my thighs.  Slipping my hand into his half-open shirt, I smoothed a finger over his nipple, waking it to a pinpoint.  One more rub of his nipple accelerated the advance of his hand to my pussy, and he stroked the crease of my lips through my panties.

I bit my lip to keep from yelling out.  I was already wet from reading the erotic story of lovers and his touch nearly sent me over the edge, but I held myself back. Sliding my panties to the side, he traced his fingers over my bare pussy lips.  Up and down he dragged his index finger, each sweep of his finger pushing further into my wetness.  He avoided my clitoris at first, teasing me slowly.

Widening my legs I urged and invited him to plunge his fingers into me, I wanted to feel the thrust of him even it I had to make do with two or three fingers sliding in and out of me.  Holding onto the collar of his shirt, I began to moan quietly as he played with me without making me come.  It was heavenly to feel his touch.

He removed his hand from my lips and sat up in front of my legs and stared down at me.  My heart beat faster, I knew what that look meant.  It was time for my panties to come off.  The thrill of that feeling made my pussy throb repeatedly.  He was going to fuck me, and I couldn’t wait.  I watched as he hooked his fingers into the side of my panties and slowly dragged them down my thighs, over my knees and down to my ankles and onto the floor.

I was naked from the waist down, and I felt wanton and exposed.  Widening my thighs, I tilted my hips towards him as an invitation to come and have a taste.  He wasted no time at all, placing his hands on my inner thighs spreading me wider and dropped his head to my pussy lips and licked.

The flat of his tongue swept up my outer lips once, and I let out a cry of pleasure, this encouraged him further, his magical tongue pushing inside me and then up to my clitoris.  Circling around and around, he used the tip of his tongue to tease me to climax.  As I felt myself build, I mourned the loss of his mouth on me, he removed his face from between my thighs just as I was about to tip over.  Looking down, I saw that he was staring up at me, and our eyes locked.  He dared me to look away as his head descended again.  I watched as his tongue came out of his mouth and plunge inside of me.  It turned me on something terrible, I quivered out the start of my orgasm, the muscles in my thighs and stomach tightening as I reached higher and higher.

My moans and cries were more audible as he worked faster and applied more pressure to my clitoris.  As I tripped over the edge of my climax, he plunged his tongue into my channel and licked up my juices that slipped out of me.  Once he had licked every wet drop that has escaped, he crawled up behind me.  He kissed me thoroughly and I could taste my flavour on his lips, it was intoxicating.


Positioning himself behind me, he pulled down his boxer briefs and wasted no time at all pushing his cock to my entrance.  Leaning my upper body back, I hooked my arm around his neck and kissed him again, and he edged himself into me.  The sense of being filled from this position was almost too much.  I was still tight from my last orgasm, and he took one of my ass cheeks and lifted it slightly so he could ease himself all the way in.  I could feel every inch of him along my pussy walls.  He felt heavenly.  As I looked back at him and cradled his neck in my hand, he started to explore my breasts.  Moulding his hand to them and massaging my already erect nipples.  It was just not as painful as he played with them.  I leaned forward away from him so he could take me deeper, I was ready to come again and wanted to feel the full thrust of his cock inside me.  I had just read about two fictional characters enjoy the sensation of being fucked, and now I wanted that too.

Concentrating on feeling him slowly slide in and out of me, I looked back as he moved to lift himself over me.  My goodness, it was deep this way, he hit my sweet spot perfectly and it was almost too much for me to cope with.  He knew what he was doing, and I saw the mischievous grin on his lips and couldn’t help but smile back.  He was going to fuck me hard and deep.  It was amazing to watch his face turn serious as he concentrated on fucking me, holding my hip in place as he continued his thrusts.  I felt myself build again, a flash of heat spread over my body from my stomach.  It felt like my entire body was blushing.  Keeping still, I felt the tip of his cock hit the core of me over and over again.  I relaxed into my second orgasm, relishing in the strangling throbs over his cock as I sent out wave after wave of muscles.  He still hadn’t come, and I was determined to make him come.


He pulled out of me and I felt the instant loss of contact, the fullness of his cock inside me and watched as his bobbing cock stood erect before my eyes.  The glistened-up and wet shaft of his cock from my juices was inches away from me.  I looked up into his eyes and licked my lips, I wanted to devour him. Holding onto the base of his shaft I took him not my mouth and sucked hard, long and slow.  Circling my tongue around his shaft and licking my juices off him.  Pulling back until he was almost out of my mouth and easing him back in, at the same time pumping his shaft.  With my eyes closed, I absorbed the feeling of having him in my mouth, at my mercy.  To be in control of his pleasure was empowering, and I wanted to make it last as long as possible.

After a few more times of thrusting my mouth down his shaft, he pulled out of me and stood before me at the chair.  My hand dropped to my pussy, and I stroked myself while keeping my eyes knocked on his face.  He hadn’t come yet, and I wanted him to have the same pleasure as me.  If I had to taunt him with pleasuring myself then I would do it.

It didn’t take more than thirty seconds before he lifted me off the chair, and he sat down in my place with me on his lap facing away.  He positioned his cock at my entrance again and slowly dropped me down, impaling me on his hard length.  I stretched my arms back as he came around to hold onto my breasts.  Spreading my legs wide again, he thrust up into me, the feeling of him pushing all the way inside me, filling me right to the top was deliciously tight.  I had come twice and didn’t think I had it in me to come again.  He had other ideas, he wanted me to come again.  Who was I to argue with a third orgasm.  I bounced as he thrust upwards, and I felt him grow as his pace quickened.

Three more thrusts and he came, hard, spilling into me.  I felt the warmth of his seed explode inside me, it made me even wetter.  He slowed his thrusts down, and he slid in and out with ease, he was still semi-hard.

I looked into his eyes to see the contented smile of the man I adored.

“Hello husband of mine, I’m glad you came home early,” I said and grinned down at him.


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Read all about the wonderful author: Olivia Purley

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10 thoughts on “Erotic husband and wife fuck on the lounge chair

  1. Oh my word what a turn on had my clit throbing and feeling wet making me want to play with my own pussy while reading. My nipples went hard and still are hard.

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