TWINS - Film

Sexy film of twins enjoying couples group sex together

Watching others have sex when participating in one’s own pleasure is most definitely in the top list of sexy fantasies many may quietly admit to having. Its one of the ultimate sexual encounters that some couples take from fantasy to reality, finding they can share much more of their sexual enjoyment with their partner in some couples group sex.

Watching and taking on the role of voyeur to those nearby while also engaging in some physical fucking of your own is a sexual pleasure heaven. But we must remember too, that for others sex fantasy videos are just that, opportunities to allow our minds to engage in an image or situation that you may never normally do. They are a chance for your private thoughts to run away with themselves and into a situation that sends your body into a steamy state of delirious pleasure. More simply put, they can make a cock seriously twitch or a pussy deeply pulse.

Being fantasies you can be the custodian of those thoughts which do not need to be shared or restricted and most certainly not censored to suit anyone else’s view other than your own. You can enjoy watching this sexy adult video of couples group sex where the gorgeously naughty Penelope and her, ahem twin Monica, seduce their lovers in this outdoor sex film. They have no fear that anyone else may be watching them, but delight in watching each other, catching sneaky glances as they both fuck their sexy boyfriends. Clothing is loosened, skirts hitched up, panties removed or pulled to the side, this sex in a raw sense of need and desire. Penelope is confident with her boy Nick, they are lovers who know how to turn each other on. It’s a physical passion they show and enjoy. Somewhat different to Penelope’s twin who is learning to explore her lover Alberto.


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8 thoughts on “Sexy film of twins enjoying couples group sex together

  1. Have to second @ Birdladys comment , sure you guys can make more of these and better . Still very sexy

  2. Very sexy and well done ,Alberto blanco should remove his shirt in middle scene so we can see more skin and more intimidating and more realistic , we love nick Moreno very much like fucking machine and striking appeal and great in fucking but if u will have abs u will be much sexier , Penelope ur great and handle those giant dicks well otherwise love it ,

  3. Really nice film. However, if you really want to appeal to women as well as men please show the full body of the man as he ejaculates so we can see his face. Close ups appeal only to men I think. Also although your guys are really great it would be nice to see one with more ‘manly’ pubic hair. Nice film anyway.

  4. I really enjoyed how you used the split screen. Where you used Penelope Cum in two different scenes, making it appear that there are two couples fucking.

  5. Having watched this oh-so-sexy film I immediately googled: ‘does penis size reduce with age?’ I have to confess to being more than a bit jealous. Penelope should be congratulated on handling everything with considerable aplomb (and a great deal of expertise, too!)

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