Female enjoys sex with herself while using her sex toy

There’s just something so erotic about watching the way a female has sex with herself and masturbates. Sadly for us ladies, there has been a long tradition of the act being labelled as taboo or the myth that women don’t do it at all! So we are on a mission to shatter this perception and normalise, elevate and empower all women to feel comfortable and in control of their bodies as is only natural and so necessary as part of our wellbeing.

If every female masturbates themselves to throw off shame and release their powerful love hormones into the world, just think of the incredible love we’d share across the globe! We truly believe sex, loving yourself and exploring your own body should be as natural and accepted as eating and breathing. After all, it’s the one thing you can give yourself for free over and over again. Orgasms cure tension headaches and release powerful love drugs to give you that beautiful feeling of wellbeing.

So join us in these moments when the only thing you want to do is lie back and feel good. Porn for women like this deliver that in the bucket load…

If you’re a horny boy sit back and enjoy the action as this female masturbates unashamedly as all females should, perhaps you should be taking notes on how she likes to be touched… Or if you are a woman, just like Candee who has the urge to pleasure yourself, come and watch her playing with her beautiful pussy you’re sure to get hot and wet in no time at all.

As Candee sits reading her magazine, she gets a sudden urge to touch and enjoy sex with herself through her lovely grey sports lingerie set, and so she does, quite rightly so, reach her hand down, pulling the crotch to the side and diving her fingers deep inside. Keep watching for some absolutely delicious sex toy porn play as she finger fucks herself to climax with a gorgeous glass dildo. The way her head tucks in as she starts to come as we said at the start, there’s something so erotic and fascinating to watch how a female masturbates her way to that glorious point of ultimate pleasure in this hot female masturbation film.


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