The simplicity of natural solo sex and pleasure

Here at Frolicme, we want to create a safe and honest safe space to explore the joy and understanding of sexual stimulation. It can take many forms and we particularly champion and support the intimate pleasure of solo sex and the benefits of some private masturbation. Here is one of our many female masturbation films where we focus on the simplicity of some me-time.

Self-pleasure is one of life’s most wonderful gifts. To be able to satisfy your own body in such an intimate and beautiful way is truly underrated. Private masturbation not only gives you sensual relief it can also help you to learn about your desires and how to achieve them.

Here we have Jenifer in this elegant erotic movie enjoying some time alone, sipping her tea, watching the world go by from her apartment. The city lights hint at night-life buzzing and working below and here she is, just allowing herself to indulge in a moment of quiet and peace. Making time to relax and caress her own skin, gently arousing the soft flesh and awakening her sensual side.

It really is the perfect way to spend some time with yourself, getting to know your body while you arouse and tease. Take it slow—indulge the sexual fantasies in your mind while falling into the space of physical satisfaction that only you and your private masturbation can bring. Unlocking the secrets to your very own pleasure. Rising to meet your own touch, falling in love with yourself and the deep pleasure your physical self can bring you.

We are huge fans of sensual self-exploration and invite you to find your favourite sex toy, as Jenifer does her with a vibrating bullet, lie back into your cushions, get comfortable and touch yourself along to the gorgeous image of Jenifer as she lavishes love on herself.

Take your time, tease yourself, after all… it’s dark outside and you’ve got all night…

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8 thoughts on “The simplicity of natural solo sex and pleasure

  1. Så sexy deilig og se du onnanerer blir kåt av og se
    So sexy and delicious to watch you masturbate and get horny

  2. I’ll reiterate an earlier comment. Love this site and the films are generally superb, but the music at the beginning of each one can be really jarring. I’d prefer a little dialogue and scene setting.

  3. Just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing Jenifer. And a huge thank you to Anna and the team for FrolicMe: it has changed everything for me. I had paid for porn I thought ethical and of a high quality and found it to be a degrading con show for all concerned. FrolicMe has finally enabled me to enjoy myself again and have relaxing me time, knowing that this is made by women for women and men who enjoy seeing women and men actually enjoying real intimacy and sex. What a relief in every way.
    Ps ( big fan of the music used in all the pieces I have watched.)
    Sadies Man

  4. Just a general comment–can you skip the folksy music at the beginning of your videos? It adds nothing to the viewing experience, in fact, I find it distracting. Once innovative (maybe), this overlay is a cliché. I’d rather hear the voices of the participants.

  5. I’ve spent a wonderful moment with Jenifer Jane! At least an actress who succeeds in forgetting the camera. Still a little bit too cinematographic though, but way much better than “Wet for you”.
    I love that she finishes with her bare hands and lets aside the toy and its unpleasant electric razor sound.
    A hot moment to enjoy!

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