EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » Sexual Health and Wellness » The myth of the perfect pussy

The myth of the perfect pussy

FrolicMe’s lead writer PJA Woode makes a passionate plea for an open mind when it comes to the appearance of women’s most valuable assets.  A short while ago I penned a piece about the penis. As a bloke who owns one of these items I felt pretty qualified to write about them, and I described the humble foreskin, and concluded that there were pros and cons in them.

Here I venture into far more treacherous waters – lady’s bits – and what has prompted me to do this is the media buzz about women undergoing operations on this part of their body. Apparently they are trying to achieve the ideal shape and look.

But what troubles me as that I have absolutely no idea what the perfect pussy looks like. I honestly could not tell you what is meant to look cool and what is not.

The problem, according to clinical sexologist, Uta Dements PH.D. is that women simply don’t have a good idea what other women’s bits and pieces look like. “The problem starts at school,” she comments. “Biology books show perfectly symmetrical labia and that tends to give women the impression that this is what theirs should look like.”

“Unlike men,” she continues, “much of a woman’s genitals is hidden. When a naked woman is standing, walking or has her legs together not everything is visible. In contrast men’s bits and pieces are fully on display when they are naked and so it is very easy to see differences in shape.”  And, as a sport-playing bloke, I would suggest that not only are men’s bits more easy to see, men have a greater opportunity to see what other men’s private parts look like.  Basically, in male changing rooms showers tend to be communal affairs, whereas showers in women’s changing areas – so I am told on very good authority – are usually in private cubicles. So women clearly don’t have the opportunity to seen the various looks and shapes of other women’s lady’s bits.

“Women need to realise that all their genitals look very different,” says Uta. “There is no one look that is more common than another. They come in as many different shapes as men’s penises.” And if they are in any doubt they should visit this site


Uta believes that they tend to get a feel of what the so called perfect pussy should look like from mainstream porn sites.  Here they almost always see shaved or waxed pubic areas, and small and symmetrical labia. If you add on all the body shaming pressures on women at the moment, it is understandable that far too many are unhappy with what their genital area looks like. So a combination of all these issues and worries drives an increasing number to the plastic surgeon in search of the so called perfect pussy.

Surgery, according to Uta, can create problems. “Trimming a labia is not always as straightforward as it may seem.  Some women can lose sensitivity after the operation and some can suffer longer term discomfort. That can be a big price to pay for what they think is just a bit of tidying up.”

And this is where I would like to voice my own views.  While I totally accept that it is up to women to do what they like with their lady’s garden, could I urge them not to do anything to please us men. I for one really do not care what a lady’s bits and pieces look like. Perhaps I should add that I do have a personal preference for a bit of grooming on the pubic hair front, but can I stress that it is purely a personal preference and I am not suggesting all women should be grabbing their razor on reading this.

To me, and I would hope to all decent men out there, it is not what a vagina looks like that matters. It is what the owner does with it (and with the rest of her body for that matter), what she thinks and above all what she is like as a person that are the most important things.

Let’s face it, women are under so much pressure at the moment in terms of body confidence, l think we should give their most intimate erogenous zone a break and encourage everyone – men and women alike – to delight in their differences down below.

Is there such a thing as a woman's perfect pussy? Does it actually exist?

About the author

One of the very first writers for FrolicMe, PJA Woode, has been writing about sex for years. His first stories and articles appeared in Forum Magazine in the 1980s....
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6 thoughts on “The myth of the perfect pussy

  1. I like most of this article but I’m perplexed by one thing… It states “it is not what a vagina looks like that matters.” I wonder if it means vulva rather than vagina as the vagina isn’t really on display.

  2. I am a man, and I have a personal preference for women with a full labia. I am perplexed by women’s needs to feel that their labia need to be small and almost hidden and therefore go under the knife to have their labia altered to look like what the porn industry has suggested a beautiful pussy looks like. I love admire and caress my partners labia with my hands or through oral stimulation. To me, a full labia personifies what is a woman.

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