EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » Archive » I want to make some porn!

I want to make some porn!

Right that’s it… I want to make some porn! Well why not I say to myself. All of these comments I am receiving daily now are just fuelling my desire to go out and create my style of porn. Something many would enjoy, by the sounds of it.

To be honest, this hasn’t exactly been an overnight idea, infact one that I have been festering on for some many months. But everything I have been discussing on here, both on my blog and Twitter accounts just continues to fuel my ideas and compound my thoughts. What I want to do is roll up my beautiful images and ideas into film. Bring together so many things I believe is lacking and provide a beautiful arousing alternative. Can you imagine how exciting that could be? It might not be for everyone, but it’s for me and a good few others.

Thank you for all taking part in the little poll the other day, I was very encouraged to see that over 71% of you loved the film Mine, with 18% thinking very nice. We do have good choice when it comes to something erotic and desirable. Though I am not sure if I really call it porn, somehow that word more often has a negative image, but it is erotic adult imagery which is just sizzling sexually. A new word springing up is glamporn. I’m still working on my name for it. Mind you, it didn’t take Mummyporn long to enter into the Collins online dictionary so who knows what word will summarise the style of erotica.

So where do I start on this new journey into the film making world, well I ought to say that a few steps have already been made, but there is so much more to do, so I hope you can stay with me on this journey, I’ll have so much to tell you plus… I might need the help!

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11 thoughts on “I want to make some porn!

  1. You’re thoughts and opinions about mummy porn, plus reading a lot from other things around the net is certainly making me think there is a gap in the market that could be made good use of. I generally feel now that the readily porn on the net is far too unrealistic and has lost so much human interaction of feelings and emotions. It would be great to see more mummy-friendly porn that does embrace human nature in a sexually thrilling way.

    Personally I think it would be great for those coming of age (legally of course) to see more realistic views of sexual relations that doesn’t leave such a damaging mark on their minds.

    I’ll certainly be keeping a keen eye on how things progress should you go for it which looks like you have your mind set on doing (great 🙂 ). Just wish I was some bigwig who had a load of dosh to help finance your dream.

    • Thank you Daniel for your comments… always so supportive with or without the dosh! I totally agree with all your comments. As a mother I am careful what my children have access to, but a lot of that comes down to parental guidance too. But it is at the forefront of my mind. Loves Anna xx

  2. Very exciting!!!. I think this is a fantastic idea and hope it comes to fruition. Keep us posted, please!

    • And even more exciting receiving so much support from followers. It does help support my view and vision. Will certainly keep you posted! Loves Anna xx

  3. ‘Mine’ just goes to prove that porn/eroticism does not have to base and vulgar in fact sensual stimulating porn that stimulates the mind is far more of a turn on and erotic IMHO, good sex and in the same way good porn is all about stimulating the mind as it’s from there that true pleasure derives…As for the help count me in 😉 x

    • So true! Sadly the industry is awash with the vulgar variety. But we have proved with so much erotic fiction available that we do have wandering minds that love a little erotic stimulation…. its just yet to all filter through in the same volume onto film. Thank you for your support! Loves Anna xx

  4. Can’t wait to hear more about this! Sorry I missed the pole the other day….the video Mine….is a-ma-zing! If you’re going to make more of that….I’m excited!!!♥

  5. Afternoon Anna ,
    What a blog post this day!! You are indeed #PinkieApproved !! I agree with you about the terms ” Mummyporn” YUCK ! :P. I am a single girl that is 40 something or another lol. I don’t like that term !! I am here if you need me . Keep it Kinky !


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