Just neighbours? A steamy story of couple’s passionate sex together one morning

Jay’s neighbour moved in three months ago.  Three months and seven days to be precise.  He could remember the exact moment that she got out of her car that Saturday morning.

His wife could remember it too, but couldn’t be as accurate as her husband about the date.

Jay recalled being drawn by the woman’s long blonde hair and fresh complexion set against a fawn mac.  He also recollects that his wife was annoyed with him.  She had whispered, ‘Don’t stare’ under her breath.  He hoped that his partner of a decade didn’t realise that though he had only seen this new arrival on the street for a few seconds, he really fancied her.  So, Jay made light of the moment and forced himself to look ahead down the road as the couple drove off for their weekend shop.

He didn’t look back, but he didn’t need to.  The image stuck with him.   The collar of her mac was flicked up giving her a jaunty, preppy look.  The mac itself was unbuttoned and she had a red scarf tied tight around her neck, together with a crisply ironed white shirt.  She was wearing jeans, which ended a few inches above her ankle as current fashions dictate.  And she was wearing red, stiletto court shoes.  She oozed class.  She looked the part – the scarf and heels matched.  Moreover, this was not the attire of someone who was going to do much of the hard work when the removal van arrived.  She was clearly going to project manage it.  This was a woman with status and power.

But, as Jay drove away from this beauty, he could not help thinking about those stilettos.  Wearing killer heels like that when you move house was some statement.  And it was a statement that chimed greatly with Jay.  He didn’t know that she had headed straight from work and that within a few minutes of her arrival at her new abode she had kicked off her heels, slipped out of that shirt and pulled on a T-shirt and flat, canvas pumps.  She was not afraid of hard, physical work.

Jay hadn’t clocked another car parked further up the drive.  She was married and her husband was already getting things sorted in the house.

Jay and his wife had... read the rest of this story please login or register to read the full story free.

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