Woman’s sexual desire for her lover

A woman’s sexual desire begins long before the actual act of lovemaking. It is in her thoughts as she goes about her day, planning her seductions, not only of her lover, but herself. It’s in the tilt of her head as she sprays perfume on her neck, it’s in the sliding of pigment along her lips as she applies her make up. And it is most certainly in the way she steps into her lacy negligée as she thinks about exactly what she has planned for you.

And there you are, already tied and at her mercy, your erection tenting in your dress trousers as she approaches you, the lucky object of her burning sexual desire.

This delicious sex fantasy video explores the female gaze. The woman is the one playing out her every erotic desire, revelling in the control she wields over her lover. Using him for her pleasure. Her sex. Her fulfilment. We witness the strength of her need to dominate and take out her sexual desire on her man.

The perfect image of an elegant woman very much in control. Adorned in a simple bodice of black lace, she moves confidently towards her male lover, who is waiting and restrained. There is little he can do at first other than be consumed and at her mercy in any way she wishes. And her wish it seems is to adore him and his beautiful big dick.

Smearing her lipstick and running her tongue over his cock, it isn’t long before she frees herself from her bodice and starts grinding out her need on him, letting his dick slide into her desperate pussy. Lucky for everyone, her lover’s restraints are just loose enough to allow him the space to move and fuck as she takes her lust out on his very eager-to-please member.

This erotic sex movie movie will have you dripping and hungry to fulfil your own fantasies and sexual desire.

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7 thoughts on “Woman’s sexual desire for her lover

  1. Jennifer is such a sultry, dark delight!! When she rubs her bum against his erect rod, I was struggling to control myself – how Ridge held back, I’ll never know 😛

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