Sensual sexy girls that like to kiss

Unlike the rapid and steamy passion I have explored in many of previous erotic movies, I wanted to take things on a slower level and film the sensual pleasure two girls that like to kiss can enjoy together in a very simple and erotic manner. This scene is very feminine yet I feel will still have a universal appeal. There is no frenzied passion as in other porn films I have produced, it is slow and deliberate and takes you with it on a girl’s journey of their touch and taste of each other. There can be something very special when a girl kisses another girl that cannot so easily be replicated by a boy and a girl, and they’re certain is some very arousing kissing. There is different understanding and awareness that only women can understand together, and thereby both give and receive in equal measure. This erotic sex video brings together all of the above and a whole lot more as these two very sensual and deliciously gorgeous lesbian girls like to kiss, touch, explore and finger fuck each other while they layout in the late afternoon sunshine high above the busy streets of Barcelona.

Unknown at the time, the height of our location brought with it some technical issues on the sound, we were close to the sea which adds a slight noise to the background which at the time was not so evident but much of this sound has been reduced but the visual pleasure is none the less very evident, and this sexy film I believe will be one both women, couples and men will enjoy watching.

So feel relaxed and laid back and enjoy watching fully this absorbing and horny scene of Carolina and Apolonia as they tease and gently devour each other in their girl on girl lesbian porn film. Enjoy reading the story I KISSED A GIRL by the fabulous Fiona Thrust to get you in the mood for this one.

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6 thoughts on “Sensual sexy girls that like to kiss

  1. Pretty girls with lovely figures and skin. They seem a bit tentative, which adds a sense of intimacy to their encounter.

  2. This is simply beautiful. Makes you wish for long, slow sex and jack rabbit sex at the sometime. Gorgeous.

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