Sensual vintage style sex movie and photo shoot

Oh, surely we’ve all dreamed of being in the decadent heyday of a bygone era, draped in our finery with a devil-may-care attitude and some vintage style sex. As Victoria leans in to have her lover Kristof light her panatela, oh how we wish we could be there, pearls hanging at our neck, brushing against that sensitive spot between our breasts, where a beautiful corset is clasped. This is an elegant delightful trip as we take you back to some glorious days of vintage style sex and sensual pornography—those moody moments of intimate clothed sex and ladies laced in basques for the boudoir. Here our lovely Victoria we fondly call Sisi, is entertaining her young budding photographer, who is keen to ensure he captures her beauty and charm. His muse offers him more than just a few captured photographs to treasure in this erotic film.

The photographer adjusts her lingerie here and there, his touch lingering before setting up the shot.

Sitting serenely in her undergarments of lace, suspenders and stockings, Victoria smoulders before her lover.

She takes to posing seductively, perhaps a little too easily, and the temperature soon rises. Her sexy stockings and corset frame her stunning body and leave us in no doubt as to what is to come next during this shot. This is especially true when she reaches Kristof’s suit trousers, and we witness the bulge that has formed, telling us of their mutual desire to get down to some vintage style sex. A pair of classic beauties in stunning surroundings, all leather Chesterfields and mahogany bureaus, you won’t be able to take your eyes off these two as they feast on each other in the delicious low light.

The atmosphere sizzles with the chemistry of the confidence of a woman who knows exactly what she wants and how to get it in this hot lingerie porn video.

Cast aside your modern-day inhibitions and get down to some vintage style sex.

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15 thoughts on “Sensual vintage style sex movie and photo shoot

  1. A great movie !! A lot of sensuality and érotisme !!
    Victoria is a delicious woman !
    Thanks you

  2. Wonderful work here. Period costumes, set, music, and darker lighting give us a completely different experience from 99.9% of the other erotic & sexual material out there. It’s also extremely HOT! Please do more!

  3. Absolutely beautiful film. Victoria is just lush and the sensual playing of her breasts was very erotic. I would love to get a blowjob from her. So turned on now.

  4. Sensual and sexy. Keeping her mostly covered while he is fully nude. Yum. His moaning at the end, my favorite. When a man can longer keep from making a sound during sex, you know he is yours! It fuels me to do more, to hear more. So delicious!

  5. I love this movie! I love the vintage feel and the hints of backstory. I love the music that evokes another period in time. I love everything that this couple does together; they seem to have genuine chemistry. I especially appreciate that he pays attention to her breasts; breast play seems to really be missing from heterosexual porn. Its something I really enjoy watching as well as extended foreplay, and this film provides both. I would love to see more films like this – what other eras can you represent?

  6. the couple has chemistry, and the guy is the first pretty one I see in this kind of film, and not vulgar, they didn´t look that forced with scenes and funny voices that they fake, this is a more rare movie…real pleasure seemed to be there…great

  7. Extremely sexy with her gorgeous basque left on in this. Have done the same on a shoot and felt so horny especially as my photographer was naked and I wasn’t turned on as immensely at the time and resulted in full sex later. Nice to see her breasts being teased. More please.

  8. Sumptuous. Gloriously staged, dressed and filmed. Just love the slow tempo. But what a blowjob? Amazing – especially as Victoria (who is a total delight) keeps going that extra bit longer at the very end, milking every moment of pleasure. Delicious. Encore

    • I must say I do like to women dressed in sexy underwear and keeping their clothes on it more sexy

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