For those of you who have enjoyed a series of our erotic ASMR sex videos , you will enjoy another experience of very intimate personal viewing in this sensual ASMR film. By the nature of ASMR, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response this particular masturbation solo film explores and reveals a style of personal intimacy triggering within the viewer something far more deeply erotic. Taking the view of the voyeur, we feel we are being let into a very private moment shared simply through the lens.
Talking quietly in hushed whispered tones of gentle conversation, Jasmine lets us into her secret sexual fantasy porn. A thought she finds deeply arousing that she enjoys touching and arousing her clit as she whispers her fantasy. We feel this secret is just for us to know. It feels very intimate and personal. She looks directly at us, her gaze stirring thoughts in our own mind as she focuses her attention so keenly at us the viewer. Her strong eye contact engages a connection and fuels our brain with erotic thoughts and sensations of heightened sexual arousal. It’s that intimate connection that is so key to this sensual ASMR film.
When it comes to her touching and masturbation, her self-love and pleasure is very much focused on her clitoral play. Stimulating and arousing the many thousands of nerve endings that we girls have beneath. Designed purely for pleasure and no other purpose, the clitoris offers a special reason we can enjoy masturbating helping us to ensure we stimulate our bodies and release the tension in a sexual orgasm.
My wife and I really love the films that “tear down the fourth wall”. They make us feel like there is another woman in the room with us. Sexy, but with no “entanglements”. We would appreciate more of them.