Sexy sensual blonde fucks her lover in the kitchen

Enjoy this naughty but very sensual, passionate sex video, published just in time for your special romantic weekend ahead. Indeed, what better time to watch this sensual, passionate sex than on the Feast of St Valentine, a time when lovers can express their intimate feelings of love to one another and share their desires of passionate togetherness.

This erotic movie is one of love and sensual passion. Gentle in tone, it is beautifully filmed, catching a delicious light as it spills into the room one afternoon. The scene is one of intimacy, and one can’t help feeling we are intruding on a pair of young lovers as they catch some time alone together. However, it still has all the right ingredients of raw, passionate sexiness to be a very naughty erotic sex film.

The scene is of two beautiful people who show how much they want each other and take the opportunity while in the kitchen to ensure they grab a gentle, passionate moment to enjoy their sexy desires and each other. Set during the late afternoon with the sun beautifully gleaming through the windows, our horny sexy boy Figus, looking all hot and masculine, his torso so exposed and on show, decides to grab a quick coffee before they need to get ready for their evening out. Walking in, semi-clad in just some pretty nude hosiery and cream silk suspender belt and panties, the pretty nude blonde Jenny catches him unawares and finds a simple kiss and show of affection is enough for him to heat up instantly and show her just how sexy he finds her.  There is little else he needs to get his horn levels rising and for some sensual, passionate sex than his beautiful girlfriend kissing and caressing his body.

The story written by Emma Tomlinson, one of our fabulous erotic authors to write for us, sets the scene deliciously with all the seductive and explicit sexual language needed in erotic porn for women to stimulate and arouse your mind.

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2 thoughts on “Sexy sensual blonde fucks her lover in the kitchen

    • My apologies as just seen this comment…just click on the pink cloud within the page and you can down load the film. Anna x

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