French erotica for girls

This film is very unapologetic for being a scene of pure slow sensual feminine self-pleasure with a touch of classic French erotica. A beautiful French girl, yes she really is French, seen quietly stroking her pretty feminine lines, touching her body and enjoying that moment all to herself. The lingerie porn film offers a gentle erotic elegance, we are just peeking into her world as she watches herself before her bedroom mirror and slowly removes her blouse to reveal her more of her body and simple black lace beneath. Her flashes of skin are reveal as she starts to explore and caress herself, stroking her limbs, and seeking her sensual parts, her fingers searching and looking to find her sweet moist pussy carefully hidden from view.

Her look is elegantly provocative, dark hold ups run up to her thighs and deep lace black panties which are soon slipped to the side to allow her fingers to penetrate the wetness below. Bent over in such a manner to allow her fingers to sink more heavenly into her body. She maintains this state of arousal, and touches her skin to heighten the intimate enjoyment female masturbation offers. As she lays head back on her bed she continues with her own self-indulgence. Finally removing her panties to allow her legs to spread, her body stretched out, finding the best position for her to sink into her self absorbed world, her legs up and her pussy wet and sweetly swollen as the pleasure begins to burn within her, developing a moment of pleasure she can enjoy and we can watch.

Filmed as an artistic porn video within her feminine French white bedroom and before her large mirror so we can see her sometimes before our eyes as well as images and reflections in the mirror behind her.

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2 thoughts on “French erotica for girls

  1. I think I’ve said this before but you’re a genius godess. Your creativity increasingly makes me wonder more about the woman behind the art than the sumptuous art itself. You create fantasies that transcend the players you present to us even as they themselves capture us in a way that pornography never can. You should be proud. I still want to own you.

    • Haha oh thank you I take that as a huge compliment and yes I am proud though I know I have so many more creative aspects to show, and many more fantasies to play with. Loves Anna xx

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