Oli Lipski

Oli Lipski is a sex tech researcher and sensuality strategist. Since graduating from university with an Undergrad in the History of Sexuality and a Masters in Sexual Dissidence, she has navigated her way through the emerging sex tech industry, working to smash taboos, enhance pleasure and uplift marginalised voices. She has worked with sex-positive brands in marketing and communications including MysteryVibe, SEXTECHGUIDE, WISP, Sonder & Beam and Beducated.

Oli Lipski

Author's Articles

Breathe into pleasure – 5 tips to activate your sexual life force

“Breathe like your pleasure depends on it. Because it does.” Wise words from Sexologist and author of Urban Tantra, Barbara Carrellas, when explaining Tantra on the Curious Fox podcast.  But what does it really mean to breathe into pleasure? And how can we harness the breath work to heighten arousal, create deeper connections, and even trigger stronger orgasms?  Using...

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How pleasure apps are changing the way we learn about sex

Pleasure. Intimacy. Self-love. Creativity. Exploration. What are the chances that these words are associated with your memory of sex education in school? Unlikely. Sex education, if you even received any, is typically centred around contraception and the prevention of pregnancy and STIs. Of course, these are essential topics, but isn’t it odd that pleasure—something that brings humans joy—is considered...

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