Gigi Engle

Gigi Engle, is a well renowned highly regarded feminist author, sex coach and sexologist.

Gigi works alongside the likes of  Womanizer and Lifestyle Condoms to help bring greater awareness to sex education, promoting self-pleasure and safer sex practices.

Her writing is often featured in Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Elle, Teen Vogue, Glamour and Woman’s Heath. Her articles have been read with huge success, shared over 50 million times, with her more popular posts hitting over 150 million shares.

Gigi is one of the original members of The Women of Sex Tech and was awarded Journalist of The Year in 2019 for the Sexual Freedom Awards.

Gigi has also successfully published her latest book “All the F*cking Mistakes: A Guide to Sex, Love and Life” click on Amazon link in profile.

Gigi Engle

Gigi's Articles