This is a question only you can answer, as it is truly down to personal preference. It has to be part of your initial discussions as some people might be worried about ‘offending’ their partner if they don’t swallow their cum. Or some others might love to swallow. Again, all are very intimate and personal and to be agreed beforehand. Using a flavoured condom could alleviate any anxiety around the spitting and swallowing debate.
How much protein is in semen?
The issue of what nutrients are in semen is certainly something that should not affect or be a consideration when it comes to whether you should swallow or spit out any semen. In most cases, the average male ejaculates approximately half a teaspoon, though naturally, this can vary between individuals. Within that small amount, there is very little nutritional value with the total amount containing less than one calorie.
The nutrients in semen consist of calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, citrate, glucose, fructose and lactic acid with a small fractional amount of protein too. The nutrients are there for the well-being of the sperm and do not provide any additional benefits to those ingesting it.
What does semen smell like?
Just as the taste of semen can be affected by other factors, so too can the smell. The majority of semen smells like chlorine or ammonia and tends to be slightly alkaline, with a pH level of between 7.2 and 8.0. However, the smell can vary, particularly after sex, as the vagina does tend to be more acidic with a typical pH of between 3.8 and 4.5, and this change of environment for the semen can temporarily change the smell.
However, should the semen smell more like rotten eggs or is fishy, then this isn’t normal, and you may need to first check your diet in case it is having too strong an impact on the smell. Certainly, a diet rich in foods such as meats, garlic or asparagus, caffeine and alcohol can mean your semen can smell more pungent.
STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or other underlying conditions can also have an impact on the scent of your semen, and you should always consult a doctor if you have any additional symptoms such as itching, burning, white, green or yellow discharge or swelling and inflammation.
What does semen taste like?
When it comes to taste, semen of often described as being warm, salty and slightly bitter. Some even suggest it can taste a little metallic, which is likely due to its alkaline levels. However, just with smell, it can vary from personal to personal and also be affected by an individual’s diet and personal hygiene.
As well as diet, personal hygiene is very important when it comes to the taste of semen, regardless of what you may eat. Ensuring that you clean the area carefully around your penis and testicles daily helps eliminate bad odour as well as keeping your public hair trimmed can have a benefit too.
What affects the taste?
The taste of semen can vary for many reasons, including what you’ve ingested through to what’s going on with your health. Some flavours can be a turn-on, and some might be less pleasant. Things like pineapple, cinnamon and oranges can sweeten the flavour and remove some of the natural bitterness, whereas alcohol, asparagus and leafy greens can tip it to a more bitter palate. If your semen tastes foul, it’s probably best to seek medical advice to rule out any underlying problems like an STI or other health issues.
Is swallowing semen safe?
Oral sex is a very common part of sexual activity, with many individuals enjoying the act of swallowing their lover’s semen, although it is by no means part of oral sex. If you and your partner are being regularly tested for STIs, swallowing semen after giving a blow job should be perfectly safe. There are no components of semen that are harmful. Allergic reactions to some of the ingredients in sperm are thankfully very rare. Even so, if you are at all worried, it might be worth trying a tiny bit before deciding to swallow.
Where to spit?
If you are a spitter, make sure you have a container or tissue close by so you can do it quickly without too much fuss, especially if you don’t find the taste pleasant. Swallowing is not a key component of the perfect blow job, so never feel pressured into doing it. It is very much a personal preference.
If you enjoy the taste but still don’t really feel like swallowing, you could make it part of your erotic play by rubbing it over your bodies or kissing your partner to let them have a sensual taste. You can also allow your hand to slide up the penis at the point you can feel the ejaculation and then allow your hand to pleasure the tip with the semen.