Blow job, fellatio, giving head—all names for the act of sexually stimulating a penis with your mouth. AKA oral sex. In this article, we’ll discuss techniques for giving the best blow job your sexual partner has ever had.
As giving and receiving oral sex is a very intimate act involving trust by both parties, it’s crucial that you are both willing participants and that the all-important consent has been enthusiastically given and received.
We are not just talking about actual live penises here, but we are also going to discuss the joys of giving a blow job to a partner wearing a strap-on. The techniques outlined can be thrilling to perform and watch, so even if the sensation may differ, there will still be some fabulous sexy outcomes for all involved.
Giving a blow job can be a very satisfying and sexually rewarding thing to do. Going down on your partner can be a real turn-on and feeling their body respond to the pleasure you’re giving can be a potent and erotic experience. Try to see the act as not just ‘giving’ but also receiving. You’ll be amazed by how good a blow job can make you feel too.
Techniques for giving the best blow job
We’ve established that oral sex is on the menu, and you are aiming to deliver the best blow job you can. There are many techniques you can employ to make sure you are creating the sensations you are hoping to, and we want to suggest some further methods you might not have considered to make your blow job, the best blow job your lover has ever had! It’s not just a case of moving your head up and down during oral sex —there are many nuanced approaches to make it last and elicit new feelings.
Emotional foreplay
Great sex doesn’t start in the bedroom or at the point of arousal. It begins long before—at the first thought of what might happen later. If you are new to this partner or it’s been a while since you’ve engaged in oral sex, it’s a good idea to discuss your plans ahead of time. You can send them a dirty text if that’s how you communicate, or have a conversation to let your partner know you’re thinking about giving them a blow job. Give them time to think about it, get in the mood, and build an erotic picture of what’s going to happen.
You might think that this takes away from the spontaneity of the main event, but you’ll be be surprised how talking about it can prepare you emotionally for giving a great blow job. Having sexy thoughts bubbling away is a great form of emotional foreplay. This doesn’t mean putting pressure on yourself to ‘perform’ like a sex goddess. It’s more about getting yourself excited for what’s coming later. You’ll be surprised about how sowing the seeds of seduction in your own mind grows and winders itself into your own arousal. Imagining how you’ll seduce your lover—what you’re wearing, how you’re touching them, what you’re saying, and how they’re responding—can be an amazing way to turn yourself on and get ready for a great time.
And when the time finally comes, ensure your space is clean and pleasant. You can set the mood by lighting candles and playing your favourite music. Using sex toys, such as handcuffs, vibrators, or butt plugs can enhance the experience, so have them ready if you plan to use them. Some people enjoy watching erotic films during oral sex, but if you’d prefer to focus entirely on your lover without getting distracted by what’s on the screen, try some audio porn—it can be a fantastic turn-on.
So, to wrap things up, oral sex can involve some playful build-up so don’t be afraid to explore and experiment with emotional foreplay and self-arousal too. There are no rules, you decide how and where it happens. Set the mood in the bedroom, try it while cooking dinner together or surprise your partner by joining them in the shower in the morning. The possibilities are endless, so experiment to find what excites you the most.
Use your hands
You probably won’t be starting with a fully erect penis, so take your time to caress and arouse, using your touch to reach into their underwear to get things going. Your hands can be an intrinsic part of the whole experience, so make sure to include them. Start by running your fingers up their thigh or other erogenous zones you know they love to have touched. A little bit of a tease can heighten the atmosphere and build that want and chemistry. Cupping their balls and gently ticking the scrotum can be immensely pleasurable. Wrapping your fist around the base of their penis as they begin to get hard gives them a glimpse of things to come.
Gentle kisses
So now it’s time to lean in and begin your oral ministrations. Start slowly and gently, you want to build up to the perfect blow job so take your time and savour the experience. Scent and pheromones gather at the base of the penis and groin, so inhale deeply, and you’ll find your own arousal grows. You want to tease and drive them wild with want before you even flick your tongue over their head.
Take your time exploring their sensitive spots such as kissing and licking their inner thighs and caressing their balls. If you have your hand around their shaft, try adding a soft twist and gentle thrusting motion. Then begin with your mouth at the base of their penis, running your tongue slowly along the length while moving your hand up and down. One of the exciting sensations is to feel a penis grow from flaccid to hard inside your mouth, so if that’s something you want to experience, it might be worth taking your attention to the top before they’re fully erect. You can always release it and come back down once they’re hard. Giving the perfect blow job is just as much about the build-up as it is the actual act.
Make eye contact
Gazing up and making eye contact with your lover while giving a blow job can be a very big turn-on for you both. Even though your faces are fairly far apart in physical terms, bringing eye contact into focus can keep each other from drifting off and centre you into the present. Playing with the senses is also a wonderful thing to explore, so if you flick your gaze up to see your lover staring right back at you, you could conversely signal for them to close their eyes and relax, allowing them to fall into fantasy and give over to sensation. A shared look can also be reassuring if either of you is nervous at all, and you can also gauge how they are reacting to your skills. Assessing your partner’s facial cues is also essential if they are less than vocal about their needs and wants. A quick lookup might reveal they are a little uncomfortable, so you can switch things up and see them relax.
Talk dirty
Talking dirty is a great way to get in the mood for all sorts of sexual encounters. Telling someone how much you’re looking forward to having sex with them or that you can’t wait to go down on them can be an incredible turn-on. Taking a moment during oral sex to compliment your partner or let them know how much this moment is arousing for you can also help build intimacy and make the whole experience even hotter for them, helping to drive them wild.
Great blowjobs become even better when your partner knows you are truly enjoying them. Letting your lover know how good the whole experience feels to you whether through words or noises is always a good idea. This is particularly crucial if your partner is using a strap-on to keep the sexy bond going and immersing yourselves in the scene.
The same goes for your partner, if you would like to hear some compliments about what you’re doing, let them know. Have a chat and tell them you’d enjoy it if they talked dirty when you go down on them.
Your lover might start throwing out hard, filthy words, so this is a great time for you to give yourself over to the actions you’re delivering and listen to how good you are at it, too.
Tongue flicks
The penis has many thousands of nerve endings, so trying out all the different parts to see where you get the best reactions is a great idea. Flicking your tongue across the tip of the penis head is a lovely place to start.
The frenulum, also known as banjo string, is another extremely sensitive part of the penis, situated just where the front of the head of the penis joins the shaft—much similar to the string of skin beneath your tongue. You can begin with gentle tongue flicking here but be careful not to overdo it—prolonged action can cause irritation or start feeling a little unpleasant, so alternate by flattening out your tongue and giving a long slow lick to even out the different kinds of sensations.
Gently swirling the tip of your tongue across the head, then deepening and widening your mouth until you cover the entire head will drive your partner crazy and encourage a strong orgasm. Keep your hands involved so you are in full control, holding the shaft while working the head with your mouth.
If you’re worried about your teeth becoming non-consensually involved, cover them with your lips to start. Once your mouth is fully covering the glans, you can release your lips and start moving your tongue up and down. The great thing about blow jobs is that you can get to know your partner’s likes and dislikes by the way you wrap your mouth around them.
The foreskin is another wonderful part of the body to explore if your lover has one. Have your tongue delving in and around it while it is still encasing the glans. Your saliva will soon have the flesh slipping easily around under your control.
This is a great time to bring your hands into play again, don’t be afraid to lick your fingers, getting the good and wet to join in the play, soaking all the parts of the tip of your lover’s penis.
Using lube or saliva to moisten up a circumcised penis is a must, so the more enthusiastic your mouth action is, the better and smoother the sensations will be. You want your hands and fingers to glide smoothly when they need to.
Blow jobs are a wonderful way to build intimacy in new and long-term partnerships alike. They are also great for a bit of casual quickie fun or even the main sexy event with a long, slow build-up. Honing your perfect blow job technique on a willing partner will get few objections and most likely result in some fantastic orgasms all around.