Pussy eating is the glorious act of sexually stimulating the vulva with a mouth.
There are many ways to describe the act of performing oral sex on someone possessed of a vulva and vagina—some more drily scientific than others—but whilst ‘cunnilingus’ might be the more correct term, ‘pussy-eating’ is definitely the more fun one. So in this pussy eating guide, we will be discussing the best way to eat pussy, how to lick pussy and pretty much anything else to do with the joys of feline frolicking. But first—a guide to the pussy terrain.
Understanding vaginal anatomy
Mainstream culture generally uses the word ‘vagina’ to reference the entire genital area of anyone AFAB (assigned female at birth). This is technically incorrect, as most people know—the external parts of female* genitalia is correctly called the vulva. These external parts are made up of the outer and inner labia (labia majora and labia minora, if you want to get academic about it), the clitoris (a whole new world in itself, but we’ll come to that in the next section) and the vaginal opening. The word ‘vagina’ applies only to that one internal part of the female genitalia. The urethra, or pee hole, sits roughly halfway between the clitoris and the vaginal opening and some people find the area around the urethra sensitive—however, it is worth remembering that the urethra is the open end of a very delicate internal system and one must be very careful not to irritate it or treat it roughly).
(*the words ‘female’, ‘women’, etc are used for brevity in this article, but, as we all know, in reality, people of other genders (or none at all) can be a proud pussy-owner).
Clitoral hood
The one thing to bear in mind when getting up close and (very) personal with a pussy is that no two are the same. Every single pussy is different from the next, despite the organs always being in roughly the same place. Some people have long outer labia that hang down, whilst others have inner labia that are long enough to hang down outside the outer. Some pussies are perfectly symmetrical, others are so lopsided that you’d be forgiven for wondering if one side has been tucked up out of the way somewhere. Some are very dark, some are so light pink that they’re barely blushing—and the shades of colour often bear little correlation to ethnicity. And of course, some people have pubic hair and some don’t—this might be personal choice, or it might simply be genetic. All pussies are different—and all pussies are worth treating well.
The clitoral hood itself is usually the first thing you’ll notice when getting up close and personal with a pussy. As with everything else on a human body, its size, shape and general appearance will vary from one person to the next—some people have a clitoral hood big enough to hide its contents entirely, whereas others have such a tiny little brim that you’d barely even know it was there. Regardless of size or shape, the clitoral hood—which is the biological equivalent to the foreskin on those people who have a penis—is an important barrier to the clitoris itself, preventing overstimulation.
The majority of people with a vulva would probably tell you that the clitoris itself is one of the most sensitive parts of their entire bodies. In fact this can be so extreme that some people dislike any direct contact with their clitoris at all, because the sensitivity is just too much to deal with. This is common and doesn’t need to restrict pussy-related activities. The clitoral hood comes into its own in situations like this, because the giving partner can pay attention to the hood and surrounding area, thus creating indirect pressure on the clitoris without needing to touch it directly.
Regardless of the many ways that individuals prefer to be stimulated, if you’re wondering how to make a pussy wet, then the clitoris is going to be your main focus, no matter how directly or indirectly you need to do it. Attention to the clitoris encourages the vagina to begin lubricating itself in readiness for the fun times ahead.
And don’t forget that the external ‘head’ of the clitoris might be the bit that you see, but it’s actually only a tiny fraction of the organ itself. The head is merely the top end of a ‘wishbone’ made up of two long clitoral ‘legs’ or crura, which run down either side of the vaginal opening and lobes deeper inside the body. These important little legs are a good bit of the reason why those with vaginas feel themselves ‘clenching’ as they orgasm—the entire clitoris spasms rhythmically at the point of orgasm, sending waves of sensation all over the vaginal and vulval area.
The labia are often all but disregarded and seen as merely the doorway to Fun Central, but don’t discount their ability to add to the excitement. As with everything, some people are more sensitive than others, but there are plenty of nerve endings in both the inner and outer labia, all of which are ready and willing to pass on the message that it’s Pussy Party Time. Paying attention to the labia increases anticipation and enables excitement to build gradually. Try tracing the line of the outer labia with your tongue and then licking and (gently) sucking the inner labia on your way to the clitoris.
The vaginal opening itself is far more sensitive than many people realise. All too many people believe that the aim of sex is to get as deep as possible (something which many vagina-owners find uncomfortable), which means they miss some of the best spots on the way. The inner vagina has fewer nerves and is capable of stretching vastly, but the entrance itself is super sensitive and benefits from being coaxed, whether that be with your tongue, fingers, or a favourite sex toy. Pay attention to the clitoris first, in order to give the vagina time to start lubricating itself. If you go uncomfortably fast at the beginning you might well get the opposite result to the one you’re after, because the vagina often reacts to discomfort by literally drying up. This isn’t any comment on either the giver or the receiver—it’s simply a natural reaction to an unpleasant or intrusive sensation. The trick is to make all intrusion welcome! Concentrate your tongue on the clitoral area, then—when things are getting nice and wet—try running a fingertip around the vaginal opening to increase excitement, before finally slipping inside. Keep up the clitoral stimulation and try putting pressure against the front of the vaginal wall—many people find this incredibly arousing, whether or not they have a distinct G-spot. Many people enjoy the feeling of penetration during oral sex and if that’s the case with your partner, don’t be scared of either using more fingers (increase gently, though—the feeling of being stretched can be enormously exciting, but it can also be painful if done too quickly) or a handy dildo. Again, run the toy around the vaginal opening before slowly inserting it, whilst all the time keeping your concentration on the clitoris.
Although not technically part of the vulva or vaginal areas, the anus is packed with sensitive nerve endings and many people enjoy having the area stimulated with fingers, toys or even a delicately probing tongue. Anal stimulation doesn’t need to be penetrative—many people find it too intrusive and, as always, it’s a matter of personal taste. Once you’ve spent some time stimulating the pussy by giving the clitoris enough attention that natural lubrication is starting to pick up, try sliding a finger into the vagina and using the lubrication to help your finger slide around the anus, without actually pushing inside.
Important note: it’s absolutely fine to transfer a finger from the vagina to the anus, but never the other way around—however clean a person is, the anus contains germs that can cause major issues if they get transferred to the vagina.
The G Spot
The G-spot is a mysterious beast—its existence still isn’t entirely proven and, whilst some people are definite that they absolutely have one and get great pleasure from it, plenty have never been able to find their own, however carefully they’ve looked.
The interesting thing is that, because the G-spot it is close to and possibly part of your clitoral anatomy network, stimulating the area can give amazing results regardless of whether the receiving partner thinks they have one or not. If you’re unsure of where to find this magical place, imagine sliding a finger up into the vagina, palm facing you, and then crooking the finger towards you to create pressure against the front of the internal vaginal wall. And if you’ve ever wondered how to make her squirt (or if it’s even possible), then this is definitely a good starting point.
While stimulating the clitoris and vulval area with your tongue, slide a well-lubricated finger or two inside the vagina and use your fingertips to feel for a slightly raised or spongy mound. Slide your fingertip over and around the raised area, pressing lightly to begin with and then more firmly—as always, take your partner’s cues on this.
The A Spot
The A-spot is very similar to the G-spot in that not everyone has one and there’s debate as to whether it even exists. But for those who do manage to locate it, the A-spot repays the effort big time—and it’s definitely worth hunting for if squirting is one of your sexy goals. The method is pretty much identical to that for the G-spot, but the area you’re looking for is way, way deeper inside. It’s still on the front interior vaginal wall, but this juicy target is right up by the cervix, at least a couple of inches further than the G-spot. If you do manage to locate it, then stimulate it in the same way whilst giving your partner oral—use your fingers to massage the area, or use a suitable sex toy (there are many G-spot vibes on the market now that are longer and thinner than usual with a crooked end, designed to provide this exact sort of stimulation.
How to make her pussy wet
Wetness is always a key part of the sexual experience—not only does it work as a natural lubricant, it’s also evidence of sexual excitement. But it’s worth noting that a lack of wetness doesn’t have to mean that someone isn’t aroused. There are many reasons for vaginal dryness—it could simply be stress leaving the person distracted and generally feeling not very sexy at all, or it might be something as simple as a change in medication (antidepressants in particular can have a huge impact on levels of sexual arousal, but don’t panic—talk to you doctor about possibly changing brands, because some definitely have more sexual side effects than others).
Some people with vaginas need a little bit of help getting started—however much you want to get things started yourself, it can be handy to use a little bit of lubricant to begin with. A tiny bit of lube on your fingers means that you can stimulate the rest of the vaginal area whilst also demonstrating your pussy eating techniques.
Emotional foreplay
It’s impossible to overstate the importance of emotional foreplay. Whether you’re with a new sexual partner or have been together for years, the build up to any sexual activity is often as important as the physical act itself. Remember that many people with a vagina feel self-conscious about having another person that closely intimate with their body—this shouldn’t be true in this day and age, but sadly it still is.
The whole point of this pussy eating guide is to help you develop a range of approaches that will help both yourself and your partner(s) enjoy yourselves as much as possible. Date nights are always a good idea—everyone likes to know that someone wants to make an effort to spend quality time with them. If you know your partner will appreciate it, sexy text messages sent ahead of time will help set the mood. Be sure to get consent for any sexting—many people love getting an excitingly rude surprise message, but it can be crass and invasive if you’re not absolutely sure that they’ll appreciate it.
If you make it clear ahead of time that this is something you’re really looking forward to, then that’s likely to help them feel more comfortable when you’re finally getting naked. And don’t forget that your voice can be the biggest turn-on of all—compliments and suggestions of what you’d like to do with (and to) your partner can often raise excitement levels as much as any physical manoeuvre.
Physical foreplay
Pussy eating is definitely an activity that needs some introductory action—if you head straight for your intended target you’re more likely to freak your partner out than turn them on. Massage is an excellent intro to any sexual activity, not just oral, because it helps the receiving partner to relax and settle into enjoying the sensations even before you head south. Follow up the massage with your lips and fingers, working your way gradually around and down their body, stroking and nibbling as you go.
Pussy eating techniques
If you’re reading this and thinking to yourself that you’re keen to please your partner but are unsure exactly how to lick pussy then read on for our handy guide to pussy eating techniques. Don’t ever feel embarrassed about being unsure—it’s better to find out than to fumble around getting things wrong without knowing quite how or why.
Start slow
If there’s one thing to remember when it comes to pussy play, it’s ‘take things slowly’. This is not fast food, we’re here for the all-you-can-eat buffet and we’ve got all the time in the world to make sure everyone goes home fully satisfied. The clitoris can be so sensitive that touching it without enough build-up would be uncomfortable and off-putting for your partner, so it’s always worth taking the scenic route. If you’ve followed our suggestions for massage etc then you’ll find yourself in the right place at the right time. Now carry on with nibbling, licking and kissing, but around the vulval area, rather than directly on it. Think inner thighs and lower stomach, gradually circling inwards to the labia. And don’t forget that you can still caress and massage with your hands, even when your mouth is otherwise occupied with stimulating pussy ministrations.
Tip of your tongue
Let’s look at how to lick pussy! When you’ve built up excitement as long as possible and neither you or your partner can hold back any longer, run the very tip of your tongue down to the clitoris and start by alternating between circling the bud, or head, of the clitoris and lightly flicking it with the tip of your tongue. The keyword here is lightly—you’re aiming to increase stimulation, not cause discomfort. This teasing element helps increase excitement in your partner, which in turn increases blood flow and arousal. Which increases excitement… you get the picture.
Use your fingers
As arousal increases, use your fingers to caress the vaginal area and then gradually penetrate your partner—just one finger to start with, feeling for the G-spot (or that elusive A-spot if you’re feeling adventurous). They may well tell you that they want more or less penetration and/or stimulation—always listen to what your partner is saying and doing, and be guided by them. Some people find it easier to orgasm when penetration’s involved, whilst others prefer to concentrate on one sensation at a time.
When licking pussy, most people go for the default ‘licking up and down’ move, but it can be very direct and intense and not everyone enjoys it. Moving your tongue from side to side stimulates the clitoris whilst allowing the hood to prevent things getting too sensitive. All pussy licking tips are just that—tips and suggestions for you to try out, before altering things to suit yourselves. The most important thing is communication, and we don’t necessarily mean of the verbal kind. Indulging in oral means that, by default, at least one partner is going to have their mouth full and be unable to talk. When licking pussy, listen to what your partner is saying (or groaning, with any luck), and feel for how their bodily reactions change along with your moves.
One very important point—and we cannot stress this enough—however much you’d like to try out all these techniques in turn, if your partner is clearly enjoying what you are doing then do not stop and do not change anything. Many women find orgasm difficult enough as it is—having it snatched away at the last second because their well-meaning partner suddenly stops the very thing that’s about to topple them over the sexy edge is one of the most frustrating things that can happen. If your partner is enjoying what you’re doing, keep doing it.
Pancake pussy licking
The pancake pussy manoeuvre is one of the simplest yet most effective pussy licking techniques. Simply let your tongue stay flat and relaxed, then make repeated slow, licking strokes from the vagina all the way up to the top of the clitoris. You don’t need to wriggle your tongue at all for this one—move your head and neck instead, pulling away when you get to the top before returning to the base of the vulva and starting again.
The Vortex
Ever seen those suction-style air pulse sex toys and wished you could do that for your partner? You can! Pussy eating techniques aren’t restricted to licking with tongues—sucking can be just as sexy. Wet your lips thoroughly, then make a small ‘O’ shape, just bigger than your partner’s clitoris, before placing your lips over the top of the clit and sucking lightly. Try sucking and releasing in a rhythmic pattern, or simply sucking and holding for as long as either you or your partner can manage.
Best positions for eating pussy
It can sometimes be difficult to figure out the best way to eat a pussy without either putting your back out or getting a crick in your neck. There are, however, some positions that make things far easier—and more comfortable—for both of you.
The Flatback is the default position that we all know and some of us love. It’s certainly the position that comes most naturally, especially when either partner is new to pussy eating. The receiving partner lies flat on their back with their legs either stretched out in a V shape, bent at the knee, or draped over the other person’s shoulders. The person giving oral sex can either lay on their stomach or kneel.
This position is the most comfortable for the receiving partner, who is able to concentrate purely on sensations. It also enables the giving partner to look up and gauge reactions—not only does this help in adjusting techniques as necessary, it’s also a turn-on for the person doing the pussy eating to see excitement building in their partner.
Face sitting oral sex
This one literally does what it says on the tin—the giving partner lies down and the other person sits so that their vulva is positioned over their partner’s face, close enough for them to lick. Some women prefer the physical autonomy of this position—it’s an excellent choice for those who like to be in control—and many people giving oral in this position enjoy the unusually submissive position.
The Pin-Up
The Pin-Up position can take some dexterity and balance, but it’s a fun way to eat a pussy and can be indulged in (almost) fully clothed, giving endless opportunities for quick and illicit excitement. The person with the vagina leans against a wall, either with both feet on the ground and legs separated or with one leg draped over the other person’s shoulder as they kneel on the ground to give oral sex. Whether clothed or unclothed, this position is often visually exciting for both parties, as each can clearly see what’s happening. And, as with the face-sitting position, the Pin-Up puts the receiving partner firmly in the driving seat.
From behind
Don’t forget that you can change-up positions and techniques during oral as much as during regular penetrative sex. If you both like doing it doggy-style then there’s no reason you can’t try oral the same way. This works especially well for those receiving partners who enjoy anal stimulation, as it puts everything right within reach of hands, tongue and eyes. Depending on your individual physical builds, you could position your partner on their hands and knees as usual, but you might find it easier to get them to do so right at the edge of the bed, so that you can kneel or sit beside them at an easier height. Alternatively, get them to lean forward against the wall or over a piece of furniture. There are no set rules in the pussy eating game!
The Backbend
Have you read this list of pussy eating and techniques and thought ‘yeah, but that’s easy—now where’s the really advanced stuff’? Then read on for one of the most advanced pussy-eating moves you’re ever going to try. Okay, so the ‘advanced’ bit actually applies to the receiving partner, rather than the giver. But if you’re getting down to it with someone who happens to be particularly flexible, then we’ve got a sexy challenge for you both.
The receiving partner gets into the ‘bridge’ yoga position—you might know this as ‘the crab’ if you’ve never done yoga classes—making sure that their feet are spaced well apart. The receiving partner can then kneel between their open legs and have full access to their partner’s pussy. It would be unfair of us not to suggest putting a low stool underneath the receiving partner for this manoeuvre—that way, they can at least carry on with the fun when their knees finally give out.
What does pussy actually taste like?
Pussy tastes like pussy, not chemicals, and every pussy is different. Some will be sweet, some slightly tangy—and it’s all normal. Your partner’s unique flavour is exactly that, unique to them. The taste might change depending on what your partner has consumed, and throughout the menstrual cycle, so expect some subtle flavour fluctuations.
For example, oral sex during menstruation might taste more metallic due to the iron in menstrual blood. And some research suggests that strong food or alcohol might be detected in the flavour, but it might be more to do with scent and sweat glands in the pubic region rather than the vulva itself. The inside of the vagina is self-cleaning and takescare of its own delicate balance without interference, so any flavour that seems very strong may be due to an imbalance in the PH or caused by infection.
Years of targeted advertising for ‘feminine hygiene’ products that imply the need for super-scrubbed cleanliness has unfortunately left many women feel insecure about their vulvas, so it’s no surprise that some feel nervous about oral sex.
Emotional foreplay and reassurance can help alleviate any trepidation and make your partner feel like they are serving up a delicacy for your enjoyment.
In conclusion
The truth is, oral sex can be one of the most intimate things you can do with your partner, and a lot of people can feel vulnerable before trying it for the first time. We hope you’re feeling more confident about the techniques and information included in this pussy eating guide.