Tabitha Rayne
Tabitha Rayne is the commissioning editor of the FrolicMe online magazine and helps authors polish and perfect their stories to accompany the erotic films.
She is an author with many publications and narrates audio erotica as recommended in Cosmopolitan. She invented the award-winning ride on sex toy, the Ruby Glow.
Email her directly to discuss submissions for stories and features at:

Tabitha's Stories


GOLD - Story











Tabitha's Articles

What is a soul tie? And is it good for you?
Did you ever feel an uncanny recognition for someone you didn’t know? Or felt like you knew someone already even though you had only just met? Do you feel deeply connected to your lover in ways you can’t explain? Maybe you’re experiencing a Soul Tie. Soul ties are deep spiritual connections between two people, often transcending time and space...
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Car sex: how to do it!
Are you wondering how to have car sex? Let me first ask what the phrase ‘car sex’ conjures up for you? Is it old American movies where saucy couples get up to a bit of naughty necking at the drive-in? To be fair, a big, sturdy US Caddy with a bench seat offers quite a different opportunity for love...
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Je Joue Vita: Stylish, discreet, powerful
Je Joue, meaning ‘I play’ in French, is a sex-positive, independent, luxury sex toy brand. Because we have featured this beautiful little vibrator in one of our upcoming films, I was kindly sent two Vitas to review. Appearance The Je Joue Vita comes in an elegant and stylish drawer-style box, so you really feel like you are opening a gift....
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In praise of non-penetrative pleasure
In the world of porn and visual erotica, you might sometimes feel led to believe that a penis in a vagina is the only way to ‘do sex right’. While good old PIV can be sensationally pleasurable and extremely hot to watch, there are so many other ways to ‘do sex right’ and have a lot of fun doing...
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Frolicme favourites of 2023
With over 50 erotic films coming out each year, it’s hard to pick a favourite or even a top ten! So this year I’ve enlisted the help of some of our story writers and the great lady and founder herself, Anna Richards, to give me their favourite Frolicme 2023 erotic movies of the year and why. As the stories’...
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A ride on sex toy just for you
Here at Frolicme, we champion sexual pleasure in all its glory — and that includes sex toys. It’s almost the festive season which is a fabulous time to think about sexy gifts for your lover, or even better, yourself! But did you know one of our team is also an award-winning sex toy inventor? Tabitha, the commissioning editor of our magazine and...
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What does an orgasm actually feel like?
It is an incredibly difficult and personal experience to describe the sensations of what does an orgasm feel like? Some of us might have always had orgasms and perhaps never even thought about what they really were or why our bodies did it. From my own point of view, orgasms were something nice that gave me comfort and helped...
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What is Temperature Play?
Ever since I saw Peter Greenaway’s movie, Drowning by Numbers, I’ve been fascinated by ice play and sex. There’s a part where Juliet Stevenson is penetrated by an ice lolly. It isn’t graphically depicted, just hinted at, but it left a big impression on me. It is an unexpected, highly erotic scene in the movie, as the couple involved...
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Can sex really be good for your mental health?
Content warning: this article discusses self-harm and mental health difficulties Sex and well-being are subjects we have written about several times at FrolicMe. We are passionate about promoting the benefits associated with sexual pleasure, from the lift to our general mood and spirit to the endorphins released. We particularly love the uptick in libido and the sense of relaxation...
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What is the fuss over CBD lube all about?
Sometimes your natural vaginal lubrication levels fluctuate and it often has nothing to do with how aroused you are feeling—it may just be your cycle, hormone levels, menopause, or just a different time of the day. Personal lubricants have been around for many years and it takes a bit of research and time to discern what will be best...
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Ethical and feminist porn guide
With the current combination of the internet crammed with sex and sex acts being easy to stumble upon and yet, also entirely full of good sex and sexual wellbeing censorship, it can be increasingly hard for the discerning sex film lover to find and access good erotic content that doesn’t have you worrying what might pop up next. So...
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Great tips for writing your hottest erotica
Reading erotica is one of life’s joys, and we truly celebrate this artform here at FrolicMe, understanding how a story to accompany one of our erotic sex movies can add to the full sensual experience. You can completely wrap yourself up and tantalise all of your senses. Adding your imaginative mind to visual storytelling can really enhance your experience, especially...
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Lockdown sex, how is your libido coping?
With many of us living apart from partners or single, I decided to find out how your sex lives have been going and what you’re thinking about the easing of lockdown. Are people gagging on a shagging or has lockdown locked down our libidos? If you’re living with your lover has it enhanced your sex life or torn it...
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Anal sex beginner’s guide to the joys of backdoor pleasure
There’s been some discussion recently about scheduling sex and if that works. Does it just ruin the spontaneity? Or does it give time to plan, the mental foreplay adding to the spice earlier on? One area that scheduling time for and planning ahead is a great idea is anal sex. It does require some preparation especially if you haven’t...
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Skirt Club – The world of a private female members-only sex club
Now living in New York after five years in Miami, Genevieve LeJeune, founder of the female members-only sex club event company, Skirt Club is not impressed by the cold. I talked to Genevieve about the rise in popularity for her female-only sex parties and we Skyped on a rather cool day in New York and a positively tropical one...
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In praise of the cunt – as women reclaim it back
I remember there was a time in my life when I’d shudder at the word cunt. It seemed dark and dirty, a slur, a nasty put down, the very worst thing you could call somebody. It is a hard sounding word too, with its c and t – it’s usually prefixed by the word fucking. You Fucking Cunt. I...
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Rediscover fingering, it’s so very underrated
Rediscover fingering as it is such an underrated sex act, often consigned to the memory of first time erotic fumblings or teenage shenanigans. Bizarre when you realise, that fingering can be one of the most intimate and pleasurable experiences you can have with another person. It can often be forgotten as part of the sexual encounter—or even the conclusion of...
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Take me to the edge, the art of edging
Edging is the art of being sexually aroused to the brink of orgasm but halting stimulation just before the actual release. By doing this repeatedly the pleasure sensations build and build making the final glorious climax a stronger and more satisfying experience. The key is to stop at the perfect point so that you’re constantly ‘on the edge’ of...
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