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What is a soul tie? And is it good for you?


Did you ever feel an uncanny recognition for someone you didn’t know? Or felt like you knew someone already even though you had only just met? Do you feel deeply connected to your lover in ways you can’t explain? Maybe you’re experiencing a Soul Tie.

Soul ties are deep spiritual connections between two people, often transcending time and space where the souls might have been connected in past lives. It might sound strange, but it might also make sense to you. If you believe that we are more than just physical beings, then why couldn’t our spirits entwine? These can be with a lover, friend or even a family member. A soul tie isn’t always a romantic thing, but it certainly adds to a romantic connection. 

Love at First Sight

It’s generally recognised that love, at first sight, is a phenomenon that exists even though science might not have a comprehensive explanation of what causes it and why. Sure, we are predisposed to be attracted to potential partners for procreation’s sake at a basic level, so there is an evolutionary reason for love being a thing. But what if there’s something more…

Art, through the ages, has always been inspired by this feeling of love and passion. Indeed, it is such a powerful thing that we hear songs about people dying for their lovers. Wars have been fought, and murders have taken place, all in the name of love.

That tremble, that spark of electricity when all your hairs stand on end, just from catching the eye of someone and feeling that blast of recognition, passion and magnetism. 

We’ve been trying to explain the phenomenon since ancient times. Take the classical Roman god of desire and attraction, Cupid, who shoots potential lovers with arrows to bring them together so they simply can’t resist each other. Or Eros, the Greek god of love and sex, who similarly uses his bow and arrow to cast a love spell between his chosen targets. We’ve been seeking an explanation since time began, and love, at first sight, sounds very much like the beginning of a soul tie. 

A soul tie seems to be the next step in the recognition and passion that comes with the physiological symptoms of love at first sight. Once the neurotransmitters that flood your system with the fire and lust of initial attraction fade, what’s left? When those chemicals drop, what is there to hold you together? Perhaps it’s your soul tie.

Can you conjure a soul tie?

There’s no reason to think that you can’t start a new soul tie. Human bonding and dedication to each other can happen at any time in a meeting or relationship, and you can nurture each other enough to form your kind of soul tie. Something that will hold you in each other’s thoughts and heart no matter what you might be going through, regardless of your proximity. It can be a matter of conviction and desperately wanting to know the depths and bones of one another to grow a soul tie bond that might exist long after you physically cease to.

There are many signs that your souls might be bonded by a soul tie; all the great pillars of a good relationship combine where you truly feel like you can be 100% yourself with each other yet allow the other to grow and develop, looking to the future and supporting your dreams. Feeling that cosy, comforting security of a deeply familiar friend with the energy and spark of a lover. Mutual respect and unconditional acceptance of the person you are and can be. Feeling able to explore the world and your ambitions together with their support and encouragement. You should feel energetically inspired by one another’s goals and achievements. With a soul tie relationship, these things might come more naturally or easily, the basics of a partnership that don’t need as much work or conscious reflection.

It is also believed that new soul ties can be made during sex. Christianity talks about the soul being ‘knit’ together with marriage but also talks about ungodly soul ties, which can be sexual relations outside wedlock or other fornications. 

A sexual soul tie

A sexual soul tie is a union that forms when you’ve experienced a truly deep connection during sex. Imagine mind-blowing sex that turns on your body and soul to a point where you feel like you are one. Being so deeply in tune on a sexual level can make you feel connected spiritually too. Who knows where our soul escapes to during orgasm? Perhaps it’s seeking its counterpart, so if there’s a spiritual recognition, that might be why the sex is so damn good.

Negative soul ties

Sometimes, a union between spirits or souls can be so strong that you continue to be part of each other’s lives despite knowing you might not be good for one another. Your heart and soul want one thing, but your physical and emotional being needs a more nourishing connection. There is such a thing as destructive co-dependence—why do some people who seem to bring out the worst in each other always find themselves magnetically drawn together? Think about where once you celebrated the other’s successes, you might now fall into jealousy and other negative relationship traits. If you’ve worked through all the ways you negatively affect each other’s lives but still can’t quite break the magnetism, it might be time to try and cut your soul tie as an option. A conscious break of all the levels should help you to move on from each other when you truly know this is not healthy any more. 

Can you break a soul tie?

Is it your chance to finally meet in this lifetime? Or break the link with a negative tie that’s been happening forever. Consciously uncouple from your soul tie by stating your intention to disengage and cut the spiritual connection. If you can do this together with the person, that would be hugely advantageous. It’s almost as if the film Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind explores this very theme—Clementine and Joe both undergo memory erasure procedures to rid themselves of their romantic partnership, only to find themselves being drawn together over and over again. A destructive soul tie that is seemingly unbreakable. The film title is a quote from a 400-year-old poem, Eloise to Abelard, by Alexander Pope, which in turn was inspired by a real love affair from the 12th century—where a young student and her older tutor fell desperately in love, but it was forbidden. They couldn’t be together, so they lived pining and in misery with longing. Could their souls have tied? The romantic in me hopes they may have met each other in spirit and found their way back to the physical in happier circumstances.

It’s a tragic romance. But what if your soul tie is weary, and you need to let go of one another? Your need for each other has become all-consuming and toxic. How can you separate and free each other from an attraction that isn’t healthy? Perhaps if Clem and Joe, or Eloise and Abelard had consciously broken the tie together, made vows of separation and allowed the other to be free, they might not have been trapped in their destructive circle or raw lonely desolation.

A one-sided soul tie

It might sound like an impossible concept, but if you’ve ever felt the deep and tragic heartbreak of unrequited love, you might feel like you’ve found your soul tie, but they just don’t know it yet. Or maybe this isn’t the right time. It can be a devastating situation to be in, and perhaps breaking the tie on your terms will help.

Taking matters into your own hands to break a destructive soul tie

The first thing is to admit that the connection is not healthy and that you’re ready to let it go. As humans, it can be easy to hang on to negative feelings and blame. Acknowledging your part in the negativity and giving forgiveness to yourself and the other person will be a strong step in the uncoupling of your soul tie. Allowing your heart and spirit to be free also means letting go of the often seductive power of negative feelings. You might have to block the person on your contacts and socials to sever the tie. Where the negative points of your relationship might have been your focus up until this moment of conscious break-up, now is the time to use all that potent energy for good and redirect it back into yourself. Build your own spirituality and self-worth back up. Seek out the positive influences in your life and spend time doing things that make you happy without self-censorship or worrying about what anyone thinks.

Soul ties in conclusion

It’s no surprise that a soul tie is a sacred pinnacle of connection. When you think about it, it’s pretty miraculous that of all the eras, spaces and moments, now might be the time for searching souls to meet up again. Some may think very farfetched, but if you’ve felt the power, you can’t deny it.

Whether you believe in them or not, a soul tie can be a very romantic notion to explore and even cultivate with your lover. And if you’re on a mission to join in a sexual soul tie, the practising in itself can be extremely exciting and fulfilling.

About the author

Tabitha Rayne is the commissioning editor of the FrolicMe online magazine and helps authors polish and perfect their stories to accompany the erotic films. She is an author with many publications and narrates audio erotica as recommended in Cosmopolitan....
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